Galaxy Heroes: A new game (Sneak Peak)

Good day forum members,
I would like to share with you a screen shot of an up coming game I am working on.
This is my latest work for android and I am really excited to here from every one and get some opinions.
Just a taste for those who like space, arcade and endless running games.


I make android games a lot and mine just never look good. I’m awful at the GUI’s and mine usually just look plain.

What GUI library do you use because yours always looks good. Is that a font up top or an image?

What is your method of doing the background images?

You can see all my applications here and all the gui’s are usually lacking…

The toughest part on android is always the user controls for me as you have to work with on screen elements. You seem to have that done quite well.

There’s also a few of us on the IRC on freenode #jmonkeyengine who are quite active and make android applications if you’d like to come on.

@BigBob said: I make android games a lot and mine just never look good. I'm awful at the GUI's and mine usually just look plain.

What GUI library do you use because yours always looks good. Is that a font up top or an image?

What is your method of doing the background images?

You can see all my applications here and all the gui’s are usually lacking…

The toughest part on android is always the user controls for me as you have to work with on screen elements. You seem to have that done quite well.

There’s also a few of us on the IRC on freenode #jmonkeyengine who are quite active and make android applications if you’d like to come on.

O thanks for the awesome comments.
Well yeah I agree totally with you, it is quite tricky to get a nice GUI up but once you have a nice framework to work with all one’s time can go into the actual design of the GUI images and fonts in staid of the framework.

Well first of I am not using any specific GUI library, I have made my own little GUI/Screenflow/effects lib.
It was basically done with only the use of jME’s BitmapText and Pictures and Appstates.
The background in the menu’s are just Pictures which I have in my framework as a Panel.
A panel can have a size and an image. The Panels can be added onto a Window which is a AppState.
On top of a panel one can add a Label, which is BitmapText basically, an Image which is a Picture and then also a TouchButton which has size/image/BitmapText and a touchlistener.

This is a very basic framework, but it works beautifully.

Other than this I just use the basic jME stuff.

Cool, I like all your game ideas and I will try to go onto the IRC.

I am looking for low poly spaceship / space station 3D models.
Is there anyone who knows where I can find some free models.
I tried to do my own but they all come out bad.

Any ideas? I want to use it in this up coming game I am doing, Galaxy Heroes!

@ndebruyn has paid models. They are not expensive IMO.

Thanks, I will have a look!

Judging by your previous game that I played which is Electron Runner I am 100% this is going to be a really cool game, maybe even cooler. Looking forward to play it once it is done! :slight_smile: 8)

K Out!

Yeah, I can promise that this game will be much more graphical and even more fun.
The player will surely get his money worth action, (Although it will be a free game). =D
The game play is basically there, I just need some nice static space station models and some enemy alien models.
Other than that it is done.

@ndebruyn said: I am looking for low poly spaceship / space station 3D models. Is there anyone who knows where I can find some free models. I tried to do my own but they all come out bad.

Any ideas? I want to use it in this up coming game I am doing, Galaxy Heroes!

Oh wow, I forgot that turbosquid also have free models.
Cool, I shall have a look.