GAME OF LIFE and I dont know how to use jmonkey forum

I posted this last night as a update instead of a forum post so here it is again.


I am trying to recreate a slimmed down version of GAME of LIFE with SCRIPT BLOCKS

So the Block looks NORTH , SOUTH, EAST AND WEST for neighbors.


0000 D

0001 D

0010 D

0011 S

0100 D

0101 S

0110 S

0111 S

1000 D

1001 S

1010 S

1011 S

1100 S

1101 S

1110 S

1111 D

I Determined that only 3 different states need to destroy the block. ONESIDEONLY, ALLSIDES, NOSIDES. HERE ARE MY ATTEMPTS

Logic Gate to handle ONLYONESIDE . 3 XOR gates

Logic Gate to Handle ALLSIDES. 3 AND Gates

interesting… are you handling birth of a cell under survive on purpose? :slight_smile:

Birth of a cell to my knowledge is when there is a empty Cell surrounded by 3 or more occupied Cells.

I will need to do this in my Level script instead of in the Blocks themselves.

to my knowledge birth occurs only with a dead cell having exactly 3 neighbours :slight_smile:

I was studying this algorithm too last year, trying to have a grasp of living but controllable environment :slight_smile:

And the only difference between a dead cell and an empty cell is terminology… so it looks to me like you guys just said the same thing.

yeah that’s the same, I just said “exactly 3 neighbours” vs. “3 or more occupied Cells” :smiley:

Ah, of course. Reading for clarity. Sorry. :slight_smile:

Yes, exactly three is the way I’ve done it too.

Have you seen WireWorld ? Very similar to Conways Game of Life, I got a massive nerd boner over this about 10 years ago after I saw some nut cases made a working clock out of it… couldn’t find the clock but here is a computer that calculates primes made from it :

The animated working version is pretty impresive.

… I will give you half a bit coin if you can replicate that in Script Blocks :slight_smile:

@thetoucher I never heard of that game but looks crazy.

here is my attempt to put all three tests together into one tower.

I combined all 3 GOF Machines into one. But I realized that the ONLYONESIDE Part is not working.

Something is wrong with my logic on the first “floor” For the case where it is testing for





I used three xor gates where AB goes into XOR(1) CD goes into XOR(2) and XOR(1) XOR(2) goes into XOR(3)

but that fails for the cases such as A=1 B=1 and C=1

still lots O fun though.

I uploaded the alpha 12 last night with a level called levelGOL.js

It has the toad pattern .

I added the pulsar pattern

get the game at

[java]application.pulsar = function() {

var row = rowSize / 2;

var col = rowSize / 2;

// Top Right

application.setValue(row, col - 1, true);

application.setValue(row, col, true);

application.setValue(row, col + 1, true);

application.setValue(row - 1, col - 2, true);

application.setValue(row - 2, col - 2, true);

application.setValue(row - 3, col - 2, true);

application.setValue(row - 5, col - 1, true);

application.setValue(row - 5, col, true);

application.setValue(row - 5, col + 1, true);

application.setValue(row - 1, col + 3, true);

application.setValue(row - 2, col + 3, true);

application.setValue(row - 3, col + 3, true);

// Bottom Right

application.setValue(row + 2, col - 1, true);

application.setValue(row + 2, col, true);

application.setValue(row + 2, col + 1, true);

application.setValue(row + 3, col - 2, true);

application.setValue(row + 4, col - 2, true);

application.setValue(row + 5, col - 2, true);

application.setValue(row + 7, col - 1, true);

application.setValue(row + 7, col, true);

application.setValue(row + 7, col + 1, true);

application.setValue(row + 3, col + 3, true);

application.setValue(row + 4, col + 3, true);

application.setValue(row + 5, col + 3, true);

// Top Left

application.setValue(row, col - 7, true);

application.setValue(row, col - 6, true);

application.setValue(row, col - 5, true);

application.setValue(row - 1, col - 4, true);

application.setValue(row - 2, col - 4, true);

application.setValue(row - 3, col - 4, true);

application.setValue(row - 5, col - 7, true);

application.setValue(row - 5, col - 6, true);

application.setValue(row - 5, col - 5, true);

application.setValue(row - 1, col - 9, true);

application.setValue(row - 2, col - 9, true);

application.setValue(row - 3, col - 9, true);

// Bottom Left

application.setValue(row + 2, col - 7, true);

application.setValue(row + 2, col - 6, true);

application.setValue(row + 2, col - 5, true);

application.setValue(row + 3, col - 4, true);

application.setValue(row + 4, col - 4, true);

application.setValue(row + 5, col - 4, true);

application.setValue(row + 7, col - 7, true);

application.setValue(row + 7, col - 6, true);

application.setValue(row + 7, col - 5, true);

application.setValue(row + 3, col - 9, true);

application.setValue(row + 4, col - 9, true);

application.setValue(row + 5, col - 9, true);

