
Hi all,

I am just going through some of the jme classes to see if I can get a better picture of everything. And I saw this line:

public void switchTo(String name) {

Then i saw that a GameState contains a "render" method. So im just wondering, whats the point in the render method if you are going to attach whats going to be rendered to the root node anyway?

To be honest, i would rather not detach all children from the root node and just render the current state. Because there are some dummy objects that i would like to remain there even when switching states...

Or is there something i am missing?

indeedo :slight_smile:

So just getting rid of the rootNode.attach/detach would be enough. And reword the javadocs to highlight the new principal.


Aha, gotcha. Yepp, maybe that’d be better… I mean, you could still have a skybox or something shared between the states, as long as it’s attached to the rootNode (as long as you draw the rootNode).

"DarkProphet" wrote:
To be honest, i would rather not detach all children from the root node and just render the current state. Because there are some dummy objects that i would like to remain there even when switching states...
Yeah, as spotted in this thread, detachAllChildren should be replaced with detatchChild(current.getStateNode())...
"DarkProphet" wrote:
Then i saw that a GameState contains a "render" method. So im just wondering, whats the point in the render method if you are going to attach whats going to be rendered to the root node anyway?

From this thread:
"Badmi" wrote:
You need a render method. There some cases in which you cant only use one root node such as drawing bounds or rendering to textures.

I have read both of those threads per :slight_smile:

But i still dont understand the need to attach/detach states, when they have a render method. That render method alone can copy with creating multiple nodes for rendering to texture/bounds…etc

I.e. in that state, have more than 1 node, and render each accordingly…


Another thought on the gamestate stuff.

I think that the StandardGameState should have it’s render() method changed to this:

public void render(float tpf) {
      DisplaySystem.getDisplaySystem().getRenderer().draw( this.stateNode);

thus allowing the removal of the redundant call:




See line 93 (render() method).

Also, I'd like to propose that the gamestatemanager should be able to actually handle more than one state at a time. Instead of just switching between states, it should be able to switch between groups of states. I'll propose the exact code changes soon.

Hehe, each change brings it closer to the state management in Dirt. I guess I should have been less lazy and submitted that to begin with.

I’m in the same boat renanse… I ended writing my own state management back in May of last year. :stuck_out_tongue: We’ll get it standardized yet…

guurk, only drawing of the state node has been proposed and discussed a little bit here (at the end):

I think GameState groups could be useful as well.