whatever happened to
java.awt.Font myBigFont = someJRERegisteredFont.deriveFont(64f);
as long as its a float, then the returned font is the correct size… 64pt in the example… then you just do the whole “font to bitmap font”? Isn’t that how it goes?
I’m just checking… as that is the understanding of how I would go about the whole resizing the font thing using the .ttf files and Font class and then to Bitmap font… cause all fonts that are registered in the system are understood to be 1pt in size when you get them from the Graphics Environment of the JRE.
GraphicsEnvironment ge = GraphicsEnvironment.getLocalGraphicsEnvironment();
Font[] fontsListing = ge.getAllFonts();
So in the example… Font is filled with all kinds of fonts currently registered with the GraphicsEnvironment… and they are all arbitrarily 1pt because you can clone a Font for yourself, using the deriveFont method to properly size it to W/E. You just have to remember to specify a float value rather than an int value to connect with the proper method definition.
… right?
Cause otherwise I’ll just help out with that part of the bridge for dynamic translation at runtime for the sdk core next. edit: engine! I meant engine!
I want to just throw my ttfs in with my project. And dangit, I’ll be writing that then, if we can’t already do it.
edit: -For those wondering about why I’m weirded out about this, just see:
further edit: no this might bore you…If you really want to torture yourself with a video… this really only shows that I’ve had some experience w/ Font * :
PS: where’s the strikethrough?.. I need strikethrough! I haven’t learned it yet!