Geometric constraint solver

Any related work on sketch solvers with Jme ?

Maybe you can ask a little bit more concrete or do you want us to find your question behind that link???

Any related work on sketch solvers with Jme ?

Don't think so. Haven't seen anything like that yet although some people did use jME for CAD applications.

Momoko_Fan said:

Any related work on sketch solvers with Jme ?

Don't think so. Haven't seen anything like that yet although some people did use jME for CAD applications.

I thought this could be useful for many other things like Level editing, robot simulation etc

If some people used jMe for CAD applications, how did they deal with B-rep vs mesh representation ? Is that lots of pain with maths ?
I thought this could be useful for many other things like Level editing, robot simulation etc

I never seen Sketch solving or BREP being used in games or robot simulations. Mainly cause these are simulations, while what you're talking about is model creation.

If some people used jMe for CAD applications, how did they deal with B-rep vs mesh representation ? Is that lots of pain with maths ?

I am sure there's a lot of resources about this on the net. Everyone who needs to display BREPs on the screen will need to convert them to meshes at some point as that what the hardware prefers. Another option you have is to convert them to isosurfaces, although that would probably be of lower resolution.