Gravity Arena (More Creative Name Pending)

Today’s update: I’ve been working on getting physics working, but haven’t yet.

Today I put asteroids in the game and also a boundary to the scene you bounce off of.

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@t0neg0d said:
Would love to see screen shots of progress as you go!

You might want to check the asteroids out, they are rather pretty.

If you think I'd get more feedback with pictures I can post some pictures of some asteroids.

Pictures tell a thousand words… :slight_smile:

@zarch said:
Pictures tell a thousand words... :)

In that case, running the program must tell a million.

Each asteroid is procedurally generated with randomly positioned craters, a splotchy randomly generated texture, random rotation axis, size, and stretch values. As such I could put down a ton of pictures and it wouldn't show you anything that you would see if you ran the program.

Here's a few links though which are output from my asteroid generators:

A smoothish rocky one with a low "roughness factor"

A spiky one with the roughness factor turned way up

A few crystal asteroids:

@yuxemporos said:
In that case, running the program must tell a million.

Heheh. The return on investment is worse, though. :) It's costs a million times more to run the program than to view an image that is in our face. :)
@pspeed said:
Heheh. The return on investment is worse, though. :) It's costs a million times more to run the program than to view an image that is in our face. :)

It's an applet. Hell, I can almost embed it right here. You click the link and it runs. It's not like other people's apps where you have to download it and run an exe or check it out from a subversion trunk.
@yuxemporos said:
It's an applet. Hell, I can almost embed it right here. You click the link and it runs. It's not like other people's apps where you have to download it and run an exe or check it out from a subversion trunk.

I agree that is simpler. So maybe only a thousand times harder than viewing an image. I was kind of joking but since you brought the conversation up I will dive in a little more deeply.

On the one hand: view an image. Instant. Requires no effort.

On the other hand: click a link. Load additional page. Crap, need a Java properly configured to run an applet on this computer. Maybe I'll try a different computer. Ok, applet loaded. Now what do I do. I suppose click around a little bit. Hmmm... that looks weird, I wonder what it is.

^^ this is not necessarily the experience with your applet but I wouldn't know because I don't have time to click links for mysteries... since a significant portion of the time, that's the case. And in half the cases, it wasn't worth the effort of clicking after it finally works.

You will do a much better job of showing off your app than I, an ignorant player bumbling around, ever will. Then if it looks cool from pics or videos then more people will click and try it. Moreover, any bug reports you get will be better because they'll have visuals to compare it to.

Your pics look cool, by the way.
@pspeed said:
I agree that is simpler. So maybe only a thousand times harder than viewing an image. I was kind of joking but since you brought the conversation up I will dive in a little more deeply.

On the one hand: view an image. Instant. Requires no effort.

On the other hand: click a link. Load additional page. Crap, need a Java properly configured to run an applet on this computer. Maybe I'll try a different computer. Ok, applet loaded. Now what do I do. I suppose click around a little bit. Hmmm... that looks weird, I wonder what it is.

^^ this is not necessarily the experience with your applet but I wouldn't know because I don't have time to click links for mysteries... since a significant portion of the time, that's the case. And in half the cases, it wasn't worth the effort of clicking after it finally works.

You will do a much better job of showing off your app than I, an ignorant player bumbling around, ever will. Then if it looks cool from pics or videos then more people will click and try it. Moreover, any bug reports you get will be better because they'll have visuals to compare it to.

Your pics look cool, by the way.

Well, the link here isn't generally about mysteries, it's about wonders :D

I save my implementation problems posts for the troubleshooting forum.

I am currently having a problem implementing the physics, but I'll post that elsewhere as I said :P

Asteroid Physics work now. I’m pretty busy the rest of the week but soon I hope to make physics work for more things.

I’m just a little bit dreading getting them to work on the ship, as I’ll need to figure out how to do fixed joints and movable joints and ragdolls and all that.