GUI Performance Suggestions

Ah, I found them. Some site must have given me a wrong link to the repo. Its URL is:

This site was misleading and so I only downloaded Nifty itself, not the other projects:

This explains a lot! :facepalm:

Now my Nifty is suddenly twice as big … and I will have more code to inspect. Yay!! :slight_smile:

ARGL are you the same guy from the forum eventually? :wink:

I’ve removed that outdated old page now! There is no svn for Nifty anymore! (besides the jME integration which is of course a part of the jME repo).

Nifty is all git now and its source is on github:

Yeah that’s me! Strangely my name gets displayed there, not the username.

This would explain why I see two years old date marks on the SVN directories. Didn’t see this detail before. :roll:

Thanks for the link. The problem is I simply googled “nifty svn” :smiley:

Hi again @t0neg0d , I am experimenting around with your gui library. I noticed the texture atlasing doesn’t decrease the object count. For example, in the test app available for download in the repository, in the windows test. When I use the login box example and run the test, the frame rate definitely goes down, and the object count goes up. Without the login box, I get from 500-530 fps. With it, I get 360-380, and this is consistently happening.

@void256 said: The lib that does the font parsing when using the batch renderer is called jglfont and *IS* part of the jme repository. The jMonkeyEngine3.jar contains a reference to that lib in its MANIFEST.MF: "lib/jglfont-core.jar" which should make the lib work out of the box.

I don’t know why in your case it is not being found. When I build jme from the source and include jMonkeyEngine3.jar in eclipse it works for me.

PS: The batch renderer will not rely on jme anymore for text rendering. This is all handled inside Nifty now which will make text look the same over all NiftyRenderDevice implementations (lwjgl, jogl, jme, slick2d). And for that to work you’ll need that lib in your classpath.

I guess this is due to the fact that the jglfont-core.jar isn’t part of the nifty “library” in the SDK, so the collection of jar files added to a new project.