Help Please - About Models in jme

Hello there, i have some very important question, can someone tell me how i can import model to jme and how i can make it move and jump etc… i have put my model in jme but don't move the foot and the all body, so i'am trying to use 3d studio max and the bone annimation but i don't know how i can put the annimation in the jme.Ahh more one question, what program you use to put a texture in the model? for example: put clothes, boots, gloves…

So if anyone can help i will be very happy, and thanks for everything.

Have you decided which model format you would like to use (MD5, Ogre, Collada)?

I don't know i'am trying use 3ds or collada. All formats can be exported by 3d studio max.

if can you help me, thanks (:

3ds importer doesn't support animation…

i would recommed using the ogre format for exporting from max…

leonardotr11, you remind me of me 2-3 months ago.

I wouldnt reccommend ogre xml format since I didnt get my  animations, exported from max,  running by using ogreloader, i got an exception. Well actually when i did a simple animation with 1 box and 1 bone i think it worked.

DONT USE COLLADA. As far as i know nobody has gotten it to work besides the guy who created the collada test animation.

By using der-ton's exporting script I export my animations from max to .md5anim and mesh to .md5mesh. I import them with neakors md5Importer to jme and it works. The only problem is that max and jme have different coordinate systems (max right-handed and jme left-handed or vice-versa, i dont remember) and you have to make sure that you only have one rootbone and it has to be aligned correctly things can get kind very messy otherwise, I havent figured out actually how it has to be aligned, i rotate/translate my models in jme to proper location, escpecially when you use bones for you animations (. My friend makes the animations and i think he uses IKChain for biped animations since I had big problems with bone orientations and when moving them they moved in 1 direciton in max and in other in jme, but with biped at least all the hands and legs stay in proper relation to body.

If you can ur stuff working with ogre xml, that's great but if not, then try md5.

To export ogre.mesh, .material and .anim u can use different tools, oFusion for example. To import it to jme, u need to check out the ogreloader source.

You can put texture to your model with 3DsMax, press M to open the material editor then somewhere u have to choose the texture from bitmap, choose the file then the sphere in material editor get you texture then drag the sphere to you model. To actually have the texture displayed on you model you have to clikc on some button in material editor(i dont remember whcih one, maybe small white and blue rubics cube).

ok thanks but i have a question, what is ogre? it's a library or a program, and how can i export from ogre to jme?

leonardotr11 said:

ok thanks but i have a question, what is ogre?

it's a library or a program, and how can i export from ogre to jme?


Hello there, look i'am using ogremax, i have exported  from max to OGRE MESH, now i have this files:





now, how i can put it in jme?

or i should to use md5?

thanks a lot

leonardotr11 said:

Hello there, look i'am using ogremax, i have exported  from max to OGRE MESH, now i have this files:

now, how i can put it in jme?

or i should to use md5?

thanks a lot

Try using ogre xml first.

1.You need OgreCommandLineTools to convert box01.mesh and box01.skeleton to box01.mesh.xml and box01.skeleton.xml accordingly since the box01.mesh is some encrypted format or somthing and you need the tools to covert it to xml that you and ogreloader can undestand.

2.Check out the ogreloader source from svn repository If you dont know how to check out stuff from svn repositories then ask.

3.Check out the tests and try to load your animations.
Henri said:
2.Check out the ogreloader source from svn repository If you dont know how to check out stuff from svn repositories then ask.

No, don't check out from the obsolete Radakan repository.  Just get trunk of jME v2.

Ogreloader is now part of jME.  The user guide points you to where the examples/demos are.

Right on target about needing to convert the Ogre native files to XML in order to use Ogreloader though.

Hello, just a question, in jme have jmetest.util.TestXMLexporter, i have to use it?

or i have to check SVN? and how i can do it in NetBeans.

Thanks a lot for everything (:

  1. No, i think jmetest.util.TestXMLExporter has other uses.

  2. If you dont have the package jmetest.ogrexml then check out the entire jme again since the classes in jmetest.ogrexml use lots of other classes that werent in repository when you checked out jme (I have the same issue and I dont know better solution to get all the necessary classes).

  3. I use eclipse and dont know how to do it in NetBeans.

  4. Have you even checked out the source code of JME? Or are you just running the tests from run_jME.bat?

I'm not a NetBeans user either.

Every Subversion client supports the update operation.  If you are using Subversion and checked out (as opposed to exporting… which you would probably not have done)., then you have a Subversion work area.  You just invoke a subversion update operation on/from the project root directory, then rebuild.

i don't have jmetest.ogrexml in my jME_2.0 library :s i'll try check SVN…

ok i have ogrexml, but how i can transform this folder in a jar? to put in my jme2.0 library?

hey can someone send me your jme library with ogre…

because here i got a many errors of import :S

Post your errors, it's probable that your ogre mesh xml is formatted incorrectly.

ok here go, after checkout SVN i have a folder with jme, i import this folder like a library, but some errors appear like that:

PS: My NetBeans is in Portuguese because i’am brazilian :stuck_out_tongue:

So, the class is in the library, but can’t import? Oo can’t find, i don’t know this is my error.


Hey how i can transform .mesh .ske in .mesh.xml .ske.xml?
