High Res screen

I just got a new computer and it is 3200x1800 pixels. The problem is that when I run the application on those settings, I can’t get very good performance. On my other computer, I can simply input a lower resolution. However on this computer, when I do any other resolution, it puts the app in the top left corner and the Frame rate is around 1-5 and it crashes. How can I run the app with lower resolution settings on full screen like I have done in the past? I have also tried reducing the computers resolution in the settings but it still doesn’t work.

Is it a mac by chance?

I got the same issue with my retina macbook…

No it is a Windows XPS 15. I’m still having the problem and it’s very frustrating so I haven’t worked on my projects for months now.

You could add logic for this,

let the main framebuffer be screen resolution,
then do everything in a own framebuffer with lower resolution and compose it with a quad into the main buffer.

What happens if you reduce the resolution of windows? Not good but maybee a workaround.

Just for clarification. Are you running this app in fullscreen mode? And when the application starts it places itself in the top left corner and does not fill the entire screen?

If so then I have the same problem on some systems with multiple monitors and would be interested in knowing what can be done to prevent this.

@Empire_Phoenix could you explain a bit more about buffer handling in jme3? Is this written in detail somewhere in the documentation?

Yes it happens in full screen mode. I don’t feel like logic is needed for this because on my desktop, I can lower the resolution and it still fills the whole screen. Even when I lower the whole systems resolution it acts even wierder and crashes.

@Empire Phoenix said: You could add logic for this,

let the main framebuffer be screen resolution,
then do everything in a own framebuffer with lower resolution and compose it with a quad into the main buffer.

What happens if you reduce the resolution of windows? Not good but maybee a workaround.

I dont feel like I need to do anything within the game itself. I feel like this is completely a jme3 bug because every program on my computer allows me to scale down properly. Like you said, I reduced my windows resolution but it still shrinks in the top left hand corner and rocks a solid 3 FPS.

I was able to do it on my old machine, so I don’t know why its different. Windows 8 incompatibility?

I fixed the problem! I right clicked on the icon went into the properties and checked "disable display scaling on high DPI settings. The only problem now is that the font is tiny. But it works.

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… so windows 8 has a new autofuckup feature? … great

We should probably add this to the faq as others are likely to hit it to.