How best to bind the camera to the object

@pspeed said: You haven't even shown us how and when the spatials get updated so we cannot possibly help.
SpaceObject.update() -> spatials update UPDATE: Now I am sure that the reason FlyTask if disabling it, rotation the object and the camera is smoothly
@javasabr said: SpaceObject.update() -> spatials update

But we can’t see that code. Who knows what it does? It’s not JME code.

We also don’t know what getLocation() and why getLocalTranslation() is not good enough. So many unanswered questions. It grows tiresome repeating myself.

Ah, you did post a test after all? I missed it.

@javasabr said: UPDATE: Now I am sure that the reason FlyTask if disabling it, rotation the object and the camera is smoothly

What is FlyTask? That wasn’t in your example.

Or do you mean the default fly cam? Of course that will constantly fight you if you try to move the camera a different way also.

@pspeed said: What is FlyTask? That wasn't in your example.

Or do you mean the default fly cam? Of course that will constantly fight you if you try to move the camera a different way also.

no, see my post #209813, this is FlyTask
The only problem is the method of moving the object, but I do not understand where the problem is in the method: (