How can I solve this implementation dependency?

I’m back for my game and the SDK in my free time in a short holiday :stuck_out_tongue: cheer!

Sadly , my WIP Nifty Editor which could run in Alpha 4, now can’t run in Beta…

I saw that i has a implementation dependency in XML Multiview Editor Module of Netbean Platform , and the it must work the same as the official Nifty Editor but when I build the same thing in JME Beta SDK (I’m working in JME SDK , not in the orginal Netbean 7.0)

=> It’s built but issues apear like : “The module XML Multiview Editor1 was needed and couldn’t be found”

(the version is 1 , and I checked Append Implementation Versions Automatically)

@normen : May be you know how to solve that problem ?

Really appreciate!

Out of curiosity, why not contribute the existing NiftyEditor in JMP?

There is no dependency issue on this one, and it could benefit a builder :smiley:

Just remove and add the dependency again to point to the version you are actually adding.

@nehon : Yes, actually it’s based and got benefit from the existing NiftyEditor , but I moved the code to from simple DOM to employ “XAM API of Netbean Platform” for doing synchonization between Nifty XML file and the real Nifty Object.

The time I develope that NiftyEditor was in Alpha4 and they all work fine, I try to run the plugin again in beta but weird enough for me … IT CAN’T :p!

I will try to do like @normen said with the hope I can solve the problem!