How do I fix this ugly dark forum theme to light?

i really prefer the stackoverflow type flow with a forum back end. it simplifies and prioritizes results over discussion.

i also prefer the discussion though because it teaches me far more. ive read through entire threads and books following leads.

Everybody wants results so fast thes days. I wish…

Thanks but please do not speak for me, I dislike the dark themes overall, they are harder to read for me, and most people according to science studies.
OTOH, Original Poster was pretty rude so I understand you wanting to say something back.


i am looking for some answers too

Yeah me too, but I don’t like rude und unfriendly people neither :smiley: and for a forum it isn’t that critical to me, fortunately I can switch the dark them in my IDE to a light one…

And those studies ought to be correct, albeit that’s entirely missing the point of a dark theme. It may be less readable but it does come with a huge advantage of not burning one’s eyes out with light in a dim room when staying up late at night.

I may add that, in summer, when you work late at night, with open windows, a light theme attracts mosquitos…
So a dark theme implies less bugs


Dunno bout you guys but mine always looked like this


We found a dirty solution! :laughing:

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There are add ons for chrome/firefox that invert colors if someone was that desperate, probably don’t remember site preferences though.

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Some people come into a situation and it’s not exactly like they want and/or they assume it’s their own problem and find a work around. These are the people that will be successful.

Some people come into a situation and it’s not exactly like they want and the cast blame and whine a lot. These are entitled babies that will eventually redefine what “success” means so that they can feel successful.


Or they will become president.