How to begin with jme?

Blender 3D: Noob to Pro is a good place to start.

Have you worked through the jME tuorials yet? Honestly I recommend doing that before jumping into 3D modeling. Once you have been over those, then you will have a much greater understanding of what jME does for you, and the role other tools like Blender play when it comes to designing a game. I found the Flag Rush tutorials really enjoyable, because it goes over many of the basic things that I expected to learn.

got that cheif!!! ill complete the tuts first… and then jump to blender… downloaded it now…

Keep in mind you can start coding your game with free test characters. Fyrestone has a ninja from Psionic3D that is fully animated and textured (i.e. great for testing) and our artist is working on our real models separately. That way we don't get stuck.

Ah yes, good point. I didn't think to mention that.

i got a small doubt… we build the enviornment and the background in jme, the characters in blender or 3ds max… use the models in jme later… the basic logic of the game?? the governing features?? the rules ??

And for instance in the rpg's… separate screens like the options window…are designed for diffrent functions… how can i create those basic themes for the game???..

8hoursleep said:

the basic logic of the game?? the governing features?? the rules ??

Lots of code!  XD That is what you need figure out, design, and write. JME is not a game engine. For the user interface like dialogs and such, there are other libraries available which integrate with jME, like BUI and Feng Gui amont others. JME will even allow you to use swing components and dialogs through it JmeDesktop feature.
8hoursleep said:

And for instance in the rpg's.. separate screens like the options window...are designed for diffrent functions... how can i create those basic themes for the game???...

GameStates. Look them up in the Wiki.

I did go thrugh the FlagRush tuts and the Blender 3d tuts… understud a little bit of modelling characters too…

But one thing that really bothers me is the Game logic??? I model characters and animate them… then how to reproduce the resopnses in java?? are there any model tuts or game codes avaliable by which i can really understand the working beneth…???

If you are a complete noob(in game programming), it would probably be better to learn Blender first, because you learn basic 3d stuff and can understand a lot of 3D material. Also, you probably need to start off in something like Game Maker to get the basic understanding of game logic and stuff. If you think you can do it though, go for it. I just thought it was a lot easier to go in that sort of order.

8hoursleep said:

I did go thrugh the FlagRush tuts and the Blender 3d tuts... understud a little bit of modelling characters too...
But one thing that really bothers me is the Game logic??? I model characters and animate them... then how to reproduce the resopnses in java?? are there any model tuts or game codes avaliable by which i can really understand the working beneth...???

There sure is... Check out the TestColladaLoading and TestFireMilk classes in the jmetest.renderer.loader package. This will show you how to animate your character in jME. Then you basically just have to move your character around (liek in flagrush) while playing out the animation.

I think there is no ready tutorial on this yet, however. Sounds like a good candidate for one actually. Anyways I hope you will not get too discouraged if you do not 'get' it at once. Give it some time and keep trying..

If you are determined start now. Don't worry about it, it's not complex.

Also, If you have not setup jME 2 yet with jME Physics 2(you'll need jME-Physics 2, it is very nice), I have a tutorial on how to set it up with Netbeans at It goes over everything to setup and start using jME 2 and jME Physics 2. IMHO, setting up the IDE to use jME is the hardest part of using jME.  :smiley:

Ha, that was definitely the hardest part. It also took longer than anything else. Oh well, totally worth it once you get to start working with the API.