How to turn off all default light in StandardGame and SimpleGame?

Hello, I am not able to figure out how to turn off all lights during SimpleGame execution,

so I tried the following call

    protected void simpleInitGame() {

Printing lightstates quantity I notice that is zero, but all objects in the scene appear always visible

    protected void simpleUpdate() {
        System.out.println( super.lightState.getQuantity() );

What must I do?

No light means everything will be rendered with its vertex colors, which is white by default.

Why do you want no lights in your scene ?

Oh thanks :slight_smile:

If white means no light, then I am sure that my scene has only the light I add.


I need this because I am trying to learn the GLSL shader with light positioning.

SteelPlume said:

Hello, I am not able to figure out how to turn off all lights during SimpleGame execution...
What must I do?

Hit the key on your keyboard labelled "L".

(For StandardGame, you'll need to use the DebugGameState, or something like that, to get the default input handlers, which includes the one for "l").