I ported MigLayout for Lemur over night. Code included

Found another small issue.

When using TextFields, SpringGridLayout recognizes margins properly for containers they are inside.

MigLayout doesn’t.

I tried adding them back in and by using MigLayout parameters but it doesn’t work. To overcome this, wrap the TextField in a container using SpringGridLayout and add that container to the container using the MigLayout.

You can also just remove the margin from the container but that doesn’t look as nice.

        //When using SpringGridLayout, a containers margin is recongnized as 1 px. 
        //When using MigLayout, the layout doesn't appear to account for this on
        //some components. The TextField component is one of them that is 
        //affected by this behaviour. We need to either remove the margin from 
        //the SpringGridLayout container or wrap the TextField in a container 
        //using SpringGridLayout and add that to the migLayout container.
        TbtQuadBackgroundComponent tqbc = (TbtQuadBackgroundComponent)textFieldCont.getBackground();
        tqbc.setMargin(0, 0);