"Idea" about AssetStore for jME

What is your point about making importer?

I did have a lot of conversations about importing asset in the past in this forum. For 3d models format, we can do it all via Blender…

For me, I also share a lot of techniques about importing assets : animation from Spine, Dragon bones, level editing in Tiled, have written my own Blender importer version with Preon with custom hook… I even have plugin for browse and packaging assets with git. It all opensource in my framework and available for 2 years or more.

You think I don’t understand your point at all? I just try to make a better galery for images and models. Simple as that. Let put aside other headache, agreed?


Looks cool :smile:

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Absolutely. I am probably trying too hard to push you in a direction that we do not entirely agree on. I wish you well with your endevours :slight_smile:

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Not sure what all of you will come up with in the end, but you definitely have my vote for procedural assets section. Instead of having 100 tree implementations with 500 unique leaf textures to choose from I would prefer 2-3 procedural with customizable LoD… even if I’ll have to buy them, that will remain solid solution even 10 years later, when improved video cards and cpu’s will make most of those beautiful handmade pictures outdated simply as low-res…

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I’m agree with the idea of the importers and no j3o format uploading but I would like an asset-store for jme3 too. It would be great a place where all contributions are put together and explored on a comfortable way, things like shaderblow, simsilica utilities, lots of editors, shaders code, particle configurations, and a lot more of stuff for jme that are there but hard to find.
So, more than a j3o store and that’s it, I would allow to upload all of these contributions. All with their description about how and when they work, ie:

1. Forester plugin
  *  jme version: x.y.z
  *  requirements: .....
2. Fire particle effect
  * jme version: x.y.z
3. Awesome monster model
  * format: .blend
  * jme version: x.y.z
  * importer: what-ever-importer-library v.X.Y.Z

But I really miss a place like an “store” to have all this grouped. So…

Agreed! :stuck_out_tongue:


I’m willing to help with this assets store and everything, but, how do you plan to overcome the european’s bureaucratic hell?

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I guess this burocratic hell pops up if you want to sell assets. As far I see first step will be with free ones so no burocratic no headach for the moment.
Btw I also would like to contribute with some simple models (free ones as I do not think anybody would pay for :wink:)

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Then, all we need is a section somewhere in the forum with maybe some plugin to show a thumbnail (like reddit).

IMO writing a dedicate assets store makes sense only if we plan to sell things.

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I think @atomixnmc want to show up with something instead of dicuss this over and over again. Furthermore I guess sell assets for jme is the long term goal. But yeah no clue… lets see.

NOTE: I would appreciate an asset store with free working stuff which can act as placeholders so people have something to work with which can be replaced later wit improved models :smile:

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The asset store work similar like a gallery of user project section in this forum where code snippets, opensource projects, tutorials beside of models, textures, sounds…etc. What ever people want to share because it just save the links.

It will look just like Unity store in common sense without the storage part. And, because we don’t just let people sell stuff without approving, there is nothing like money related products will apprear in the soonish future. Also, the noticable different glance is the open source spirit as people can also join, dicuss and improve those project/assets easier.

The dicussion part will be linked to the current forum and display within the product page. The author can also link to another thread bulletin for example git issues or facebook.

My vision about this asset store is to make better game gallery with the foundation idea is connecting the pieces together (images, forum, git, facebook…) and eventually open a way to do commercial game bussiness based by jME. The engine and a lot of snippet can be free, but also we need commercial grade games, what is this industry mostly about.

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The code is in git already, you can check the link of the test site.

You are more than welcome to join me. I only work on this 2 hours a day now because I also converting other libraries to lastest jME which also take a lot of effort.

You can see I post some of my games images (mainly desktop and android) that coded in jME above. They will be posted in the new asset store as example to introduce other contributors and publisher to join and post in the asset store.

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This is the part that I like the most. The SDK plugins used to provide this nice ecosystem feature, but now is gone (sort of) and we need a replacement.

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Well, the SDK plugins where kind of this but it didn’t fit for all kind of contributions (and it was not that easy to share through there). So, if someone is working on a kind of replacement it worth a try (I think that the money part shouldn’t be in the first attempts, too much problems involved, but if it is a requirement for the author to keep going, I wont be the one to go against it :stuck_out_tongue: )

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It’s not an asset store per se, but Blend Swap has lots of Blender assets under various licenses. Some are even public domain.

I can’t endorse their site or their paid service (because I don’t really use them much), but the couple times I’ve downloaded an asset from their site it’s been as described. Not too shabby.

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Lots of places have assets. Most of the time you’ll spend 4+ hours getting any of them to work in JME (if they ever work at all).

The idea was to showcases assets that would work easily in JME… one click import type of thing.