Impossible to break on android device


i have an issue with the JmonkeyEngine 3.0 and JDK 1.7: when i set a breakpoint on the IDE, even if i saw it set, the program never breaks once launched (an i’m sure the code is well called a i se traces).

Any lead i should follow to fix it ?

thanks for your help

Note: my application is selected on my android device as the on i want to debug

Hello, are you running in an emulator or live on the device?

Also, are you sure that the line of code is actually running?

Breakpoints do not work on the device or the emulator, as debugging in general doesn’t.

Hello, are you running in an emulator or live on the device?
On a device directly
Also, are you sure that the line of code is actually running?
Yes i am
Breakpoints do not work on the device or the emulator, as debugging in general doesn’t.
What do you mean ? Is it related to the SDK ? should i try on eclipse ?

It doesn’t work because the build script just runs the application, its not run by the IDE. If you install the android plugin and open and run the android project in the “mobile” folder directly it might work, idk. Otherwise opening the “mobile” project in another IDE that supports the android debugging chain might work, yeah. All of that is only needed if you have specific android-related bugs though, you can run the same code on desktop and debug it there if you deselect “Android Device” next to the run button.