InputMapper axis mistake

Back to the gamepad support: the button works but when I try to bind the Axis.JOYSTICK_LEFT_Y to the movement I get:

WARN: no axis mapping for:JoystickAxis[name=Y Rotation, parent= XBOX 360 For Windows (Controller), id=2
WARN: no axis mapping for:JoystickAxis[name=X Rotation, parent= XBOX 360 For Windows (Controller), id=3
WARN: no axis mapping for:JoystickAxis[name=Y Rotation, parent= XBOX 360 For Windows (Controller), id=2
WARN: no axis mapping for:JoystickAxis[name=X Rotation, parent= XBOX 360 For Windows (Controller), id=3
WARN: no axis mapping for:JoystickAxis[name=Y Rotation, parent= XBOX 360 For Windows (Controller), id=2
WARN: no axis mapping for:JoystickAxis[name=X Rotation, parent= XBOX 360 For Windows (Controller), id=3
WARN: no axis mapping for:JoystickAxis[name=Y Rotation, parent= XBOX 360 For Windows (Controller), id=2
WARN: no axis mapping for:JoystickAxis[name=X Rotation, parent= XBOX 360 For Windows (Controller), id=3

…and so on.

The sample application works however

…but of course it doesn’t use Lemur.

Any advice is welcome, thanks!