Integrating Native Bullet for Android in Engine Ant Build Script

Ah, the res/values/strings.xml is interesting, I give the correct application and project name during initialization with the android command line tool but somehow it doesn’t put it there. Anyway the “mobile” is just a folder name, complain to the NBAndroid guys. Its needed to be the same as its just a sub-project.

The app name doesn’t have to be in strings.xml, but with the AndroidManifest.xml that you are using, the line:


<application android:label="@string/app_name">


tells it to look in the strings.xml file for the variable app_name. It could also just be hard coded in the AndroidManifest.xml.

Related to the mobile project, just to be clear, I wasn’t complaining about the folder name, but rather the name that is displayed in the platform in the list of open projects. Having them all have the same project name just makes it a little more difficult to determine which one you are going into (hovering over the project name shows the file path which allows you to determine which main project it is related to).

Okay, I changed the project creation so it changes the string in the strings.xml as that is where the android project creation tool puts it.

I understood your problem about the project name. Try having multiple jME3 projects in the same folder name, you will get their project name as visible name in the Project Explorer. This is not so for android projects but thats not in our hands, thats the NBAndroid plugin. I plan to bring the support for the editor highlights etc to the jME3 Android plugin some time soon so maybe you won’t even see/open those projects anymore in the future.

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Understood. That would be nice. Thanks for the info.

I looked into the logcat filter thing to have a default logging filter.

The lame thing is that the logcat filters don’t support wild cards like “com.jme3.".

The only wild card supported is "
” alone that means “everything”…

So here is the default filter I came up with


<exec executable="${sdk.dir}${android-adb-name}" failonerror=“true”>

<arg value=“logcat”/>

<arg value="${application.title}:V System.out:I System.err:W *:W"/>



${application.title}:V means all logging done with a logger named exactly like your application name defined in the will be output

System.out:I : system out output as an info

System.err:W : system.err output as a warning

*:W: define that only warning and errors of any other loggers will be output. The problem here is that even logs that are not originated from your application will be displayed… but this way you can see errors coming from JME3 or other libs that you may have.

If you want to silence all other loggers just add *:S at the end of the filter. but be warn it might silence valuable Exception that might occur.

I tested with a simple NPE in the simple init, and it’s not output if this filter is set…

For your interest there is a feature requested in the android issue tracker to add wildcards to the logcat filter