Is there a way to get rid of some debugging info?

Is there a way to get rid of information like this in the console:

INFO: Hardware skinning engaged for caveman (Node)
dec. 26, 2022 6:33:48 A.M. com.jme3.anim.SkinningControl controlRender
INFO: Hardware skinning engaged for caveman (Node)
dec. 26, 2022 6:33:48 A.M. com.jme3.anim.SkinningControl controlRender
INFO: Hardware skinning engaged for caveman (Node)
dec. 26, 2022 6:33:48 A.M. com.jme3.anim.SkinningControl controlRender
INFO: Hardware skinning engaged for caveman (Node)
dec. 26, 2022 6:33:48 A.M. com.jme3.anim.SkinningControl controlRender
INFO: Hardware skinning engaged for caveman (Node)

I would rather only see errors and maybe warnings?

Turning down the logging level would not be my preferred way because I do want to see the info and warnings my game spits out.

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I think you should be able to change it only for a specific package for example com.jme3.anim.

In my case, I use slf4j with log4j2 bridge and use LogAdapter from SiO2 to redirect JUL logging to the slf4j logger and then config log levels inside the log4j2.xml file.

You can alter the logging level on a class-by-class basis. In this case:


Strange: the messages only disappear when I put this at the start of my main class:

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        Main app = new Main();

When I comment either one of the Logger lines out, the messages are back.

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…and later it starts ouputting info messages again…

Nobody any idea to keep the logger off?

Can you put a breakpoint on the Logger.setLevel to see what keeps changing the log level all the time? That to me seems to be the problem.

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I was not able to figure out how to set a breakpoint to the Logger.setLevel. But I just switched from Ant to Gradle and since that move the anim-info’s are gone.

Not sure why, I think it might be versions of the dependencies.

Don’t know what IDE you are using but typically a CTRL + click on the Logger.setLevel will take you to its source, disassembly or the actual source, doesn’t matter which one. Then just proceed to set break point there as it was your own code.