I may have found some issues that are potentially caused by this recent PR that adds support for multiple monitors: Add support for Multiple Monitors in jme-LWJGL3 #2030 by bob0bob · Pull Request #2031 · jMonkeyEngine/jmonkeyengine · GitHub
There are 2 important aspects to test with a new PR like this:
The test-case / example that directly uses this new feature to display fullscreen on a non-primary monitor. Issues are expected with this until the feature is further tested, and it is understandable that it will take a while to get things working on every different device/monitor.
Any issues that arise for JME apps that do not enable this new feature. These are what I am most concerned about fixing so that the PR does not need reverted prior to 3.8 beta.
To elaborate on the issues I’m running into:
It appears that my secondary monitor is not being detected, and my app is now drawing a viewport with a resolution that is equal to the size of both of my monitors. It appears as though it is just adding together the full width of my 2 dual monitors as if they are 1 big monitor, and it is not detecting my secondary monitor as an seperate monitor.
When I run fullscreen, the resolution is doubled but it does manage to display on just one screen, but this doubled resolution causes all of my gui components to shrink to half size. And when I run windowed mode, it renders a single wide wiewport that stretches accross both of my monitors.
So I am making this thread to discuss this issue and collect more information.
First I am curious to know if the author @kevinba99 is still around and has the time to continue supporting this feature, since it is indeed a large contribution and may be hard for the community to fix without your support (and it is of course understandable if you are unable or unwilling to continue working on this as of now, your contribution is still greatly appreciated either way)
And also I am curious to know if other JME users have tested this yet. Has anyone done any testing for Multiple Monitor support since it has been added to 3.8.0-alpha1? Or has anyone noticed any issues with your screen resolution
Detailed reports from testers who may have run into similar issues are greatly appreciated.
Here is also a quick poll to help me get a sense of how much testing this feature has recieved in the past month its been in testing:
Have you had success testing the new TestMonitorApp example that directly uses this feature?
- Yes, I ran it and managed to render a full screen app on a non-primary monitor without any issues arising.
- Full screen did not work, but windowed mode still rendered properly.
- Neither full screen or non-fullscreen mode worked as expected.
- Other (please explain in a comment)
Have any of your JME apps experienced any new resolution issues or issues similar to what I’ve described since upgrading to 3.8.0-alpha1?
- I have tested 3.8.0 alpha and did not encounter any similar issues
- I have encountered similar issues