(January 2024) Monthly WIP Screenshot Thread

Despite my plans to start off the year strong by tackling a bunch of long-overdue jme related tasks, this month has unfortunately ended up being a very unproductive one for me

I’ve had a few minor health issues distracting me, the most disruptive being that I hit my head and was worried I had a light concussion early in the month because I was struggling to focus and had constant headaches.

I think I’m feeling back to normal now, but I did mess up trying to work on certain things, and I broke a bunch of levels for my game that will no longer load, and I now need to go back and figure out what I did to break everything :persevere:

So in the meantime, I decided to stop working on complicated stuff temporarily, and spent most of the month working on making a loading screen for my game, which is another long overdue task I had been procrastinating.

Here’s a short video that shows the animated components on the screen. At the bottom left/right there’s some 3d spinning logos I created with the DeepToken library (DeepTokens: a library to turn 2D images into jMonkey 3d-ish meshes)
And the loading bar is a custom shader I made (that can also be used for health bars), and it uses noise to add some extra depth to the purple-filling area:

And here’s 2 more screenshots showing a different Map’s image, as well as a “missing map” image that it will default to if no image is found for that map:

A friend who has been designing menu art for my game has also been unavailable for quite a long time due to health issues of his own, but I am hoping when he is back and feeling better that he will be able to help polish and clean up some aspects of this loading screen. But for now I am happy with this draft and it is an acceptable placeholder I think.