(January 2024) Monthly WIP Screenshot Thread

I’ve been updating my ship control screens from the previous flat UI to a push button
style UI (this is for a VR game; Starlight, so the buttons really will be pressed by the player).

Every part of that panel (including the panel itself) is a deep token which freed me from building buttons in blender (and worrying about UV mapping) and let me just draw the shapes I wanted. The more active elements (the bar displays, bar buttons and the buttons with circular progress bars) are all deep tokens with custom shaders providing the dynamic effects.

Although deep tokens are pretty fast to build I did start to feel bad creating them at runtime (starting from the images) so I started creating them as part of the gradle build process and saving them as j3os. I used a gradle task to do this so I could still iterate quickly (i.e. no utility program to create them; instead just change the png, run, see new meshes).

I’ve included an example of how I did this build time generation at DeepTokensTestBed