Jarless game states!

You are correct, they were moved and I neglected to realize that they wouldn't end up in a JAR after being built.  I'll get this taken care of.

Sorry for the inconvenience.

Yes, I think

<target name="dist-model" depends="compile" description="generate jme jar file (model)">
 <jar jarfile="${jars}/jme-game.jar" basedir="${class}" update="no" compress="false" includes="**/com/jmex/game/**/*.class" />


<signjar jar="${jars}/jme-game.jar" alias="jme" keystore="${webstart}/${keyStore}" storepass="${storepass}" />

should be added to build.xml. Can't test it cause I'm getting another unrelated build error here. (I see darkfrog is now taking care of it)
darkfrog said:

You are correct, they were moved and I neglected to realize that they wouldn't end up in a JAR after being built.  I'll get this taken care of.

Sorry for the inconvenience.

No problem at all  :)

Also I didn't mean my "is it going to be sorted out" to sound so blunt, I realise
it's open source and anyone can fix it.  Just like most new people I'm terrified
of cocking something up!

(More so since all my other problems were my fault and not "bugs" in jME  :P)

- Chris

Okay, this has been updated in CVS.  There were several aspects of the jmex package that were not being JAR'd up, but they should all be fixed now.

Let me know if you have any problems with the changes.

Everything is working dandy once more!  :smiley:

  • Chris