Java Noise (JNoise?)

Eggsworth said:
which begs the question if he didnt want you using it, would he post the source code on a NYU website.

For educational purposes ;)

that is an important stipulation normen,

so I should clarify commercial ventures be wary :slight_smile:

Though if Perlin noise is really patented and he chooses to protect it then I think Ken could make a ton of money off of the Minecraft crowd. The whole world looks like one giant perlin noise visualization. :slight_smile:

The name of the patent “Standard for perlin noise” is misleading. This patent is only relevant to the Simplex Noise and has nothing to do with the original or the improved perlin noise. If Minecraft developers are using the original noise they have nothing to worry about.

ok lex thanks for the clarification.

i put a remark to this on the bottom of the original post so hopefully no one unknowingly ends up in your situation again - I didnt even know about this until you brought it up so good catch.