Jme 3 beta?


This has been my first post in a while, and I wanted to congratulate you on the work you’ve done for JME3. I see that you have a renewed vigour, and that development continues. I personally took a JME siesta once I realised that JME3 would be the main focus. I have little 3d gaming experience, and figured support for JME2 would slowly whittle away, and my questions would become somewhat annoying with the shiny new version being the main focus.

So on to my question: Do you have any gauge on when JME3 will reach BETA ? Of course, BETA is an open-ended term, but for me it means all the functionality you wanted is in place, with no known major bugs outstanding. You may beg to differ, but you get the idea.

I did a search for this to see if I could find any comments, but nothing sprang out. Sorry if this has already been addressed.

Great work guys, I’m looking forward to dusting off my old source code and seeing how I can work Space Hoops in to JME3. This time round, I have some interested graphics designers, so the sky’s the limit (or should that be “outer space is the limit” ?).



I guess we will be releasing two more alphas (3 and 4), so beta will probably be coming Q1 2011. Maybe it will only be one alpha. We still keep the alpha tag on jME3 because we are still checking if major changes need to be applied to the subsystems. In my opinion the most important part about a beta is that the API should not change anymore as soon as we are in beta. Stability-wise jME3 is already quite good, most os-dependent issues are out of the way and the render system works great.

After release, jME3 will add functions and incorporate bugfixes in 3.0.X releases, while 3.X releases might also change or extend the whole API.




Marvelous answer, thank you. By the sounds of things, you are nearly finished then if you think you’ll be done by Q1-2011 (which I guess means anywhere between 3 and 6 months). It’s close enough for me if you are saying you’re comfortable.

I will begin composing my next MMO then. Having coded World of Warcraft and Warhammer Online all by myself (despite what they may have told you), I feel an urge to move on to improving on my original work for Eve Online. Never quite satisfied with how that turned out.

You DO realize Eve Online is programmed in python right? :stuck_out_tongue: But hey while your at it, add the ‘walk in stations’ ability that we have been waiting for for years lol

normen said:
the render system works great.

No. The LWJGL renderer works great and on my view, the whole render system needs some changes.
gouessej said:
No. The LWJGL renderer works great and on my view, the whole render system needs some changes.

Uhm, no. The render system works great, just as I was saying. The render system would need changes to allow using JOGL.

Julien, which changes are required for the render system?

Momoko_Fan said:
Julien, which changes are required for the render system?

Lots of code could be factorized and put into classes that would not be renderer-specific, I explained it in another thread.

normen said:
Uhm, no. The render system works great, just as I was saying. The render system would need changes to allow using JOGL.

No. The render system needs a bit more coherence to be more maintainable, not only to allow the use of JOGL.
gouessej said:
No. The render system needs a bit more coherence to be more maintainable, not only to allow the use of JOGL.

Maintainable in what way? Adding other render systems? Having methods in another class is really not "more maintainable". Also, I dont think the people were asking you about when we put out a beta. Please clearly state what you think should be done different if there is really anything apart from "integration of other renderers".