JME Applet not working on browser

Hi, I’m trying to publish my app using JME as applet. I’ve enabled applet creation in my project properties, clean, and build the project. Here’s my log output when building:

ant -f D:\\workspaces\\JMonkeyEngine\\Simmal clean jar init: deps-clean: Updating property file: D:\workspaces\JMonkeyEngine\Simmal\build\ Deleting directory D:\workspaces\JMonkeyEngine\Simmal\build clean: Building jar: D:\workspaces\JMonkeyEngine\Simmal\build\assets.jar init: deps-jar: Updating property file: D:\workspaces\JMonkeyEngine\Simmal\build\ Created dir: D:\workspaces\JMonkeyEngine\Simmal\build\classes Created dir: D:\workspaces\JMonkeyEngine\Simmal\build\empty Compiling 3 source files to D:\workspaces\JMonkeyEngine\Simmal\build\classes warning: [options] bootstrap class path not set in conjunction with -source 1.5 1 warning compile: Created dir: D:\workspaces\JMonkeyEngine\Simmal\dist Copying 1 file to D:\workspaces\JMonkeyEngine\Simmal\build Copy libraries to D:\workspaces\JMonkeyEngine\Simmal\dist\lib. Building jar: D:\workspaces\JMonkeyEngine\Simmal\dist\MyGame.jar To run this application from the command line without Ant, try: java -jar "D:\workspaces\JMonkeyEngine\Simmal\dist\MyGame.jar" Copying 1 file to D:\workspaces\JMonkeyEngine\Simmal\build jnlp: Applet Creation Expanding: C:\Program Files\jmonkeyplatform\jmonkeyplatform\libs\ into D:\workspaces\JMonkeyEngine\Simmal\dist\Applet Moving 1 file to D:\workspaces\JMonkeyEngine\Simmal\dist\Applet Moving 1 file to D:\workspaces\JMonkeyEngine\Simmal\dist\Applet Building jar: D:\workspaces\JMonkeyEngine\Simmal\dist\Applet\code.jar jar: BUILD SUCCESSFUL (total time: 1 second)

When I launch the html page in the ‘dist’ folder, the applet shows loading screen for a moment, then it occurs error:

An error occured while loading applet Please contact support to resolve this issue This occured while 'Determining packages to load'

How can I fix that? any suggestions? thx before

i got the same error some time ago, but i am not sure, it would be better if you could install the java console for browser (to have the log of the error).

It seems that the jar loader is broken in lwjgl for applet. I tried to update my lwjgl to the lastest version but it didn’t change anything. If you give me the full stack trace i can say if it’s the same as mine.

I’ve enabled the java console on browser. When I run the applet, I get the error like this: no protocol: at<init>(Unknown Source) at<init>(Unknown Source) at com.sun.deploy.uitoolkit.impl.awt.AWTDefaultPreloader$ Source) This occurred while 'Determining packages to load' no protocol: code.jar no protocol: code.jar at<init>(Unknown Source) at<init>(Unknown Source) at org.lwjgl.util.applet.AppletLoader.loadJarURLs( at at Source)

Is it because I didn’t extend my application from Applet? My Main only extend from SimpleApplication.

This is exactly what i got. It worked before (i had an application with a web-applet version) and later it broke without any change from me.

I think that the problem come from lwjgl as i found a topic with the same error on their website. Maybe it’s because of a java update or a firefox update or just a lwjgl update.

So how am I supposed to fix this? Should I reinstall JME?

@ihazbackup / Jason

can you answer this question ?


I am getting very strange problem.


I can confirm this issue.
For me this works, maybe it helps:

(0. latest jme3 version?)

  1. Download LWJGL v2.9.0
  2. sign the lwjgl files including the natives with your own key
  3. build the applet with the jdk
  4. replace the old lwjgl/native files in dist with the signed
  5. sign code.jar + data.jar with your key
    (6.) try instead deploying with JS this–>
    [Edit] 7. clean up your temp/lwjglcache folder; After my tests I forgot to delete the old Natives and my app didn’t work to, got beads of sweat on my forehead :roll:

@OPM87, I’ve downloaded the newest LWJGL 2.9.0.
Here’s my applet’s files built from JMonkey:

the LWJGL files you mentioned before are lwjgl_util_applet.jar and lzma.jar, right?

If so, how do I sign the jar with my own key? sorry, still newbie here hahaha

I’ve signed both lzma.jar and lwjgl_util_applet.jar, replaced the old files from my applet folder, and signed my code.jar and data.jar

Now, I got this error:

Security Exception: invalid SHA1 signature file digest for org/lwjgl/util/applet/AppletLoader$2.class

You need to sign everything, excect the .html
As you can see most of the files have the date 10/3/2012 , you can’t replace one of them with a newer one, otherwise you will get strange errors.
.lzma means you have a compressed archive. You can open/make it e.g. with 7zip. For the first time you don’t need lzma’s. I noticed, sometimes the .lzma is bigger than the pure .jar. So I don’t make lzma’s all the time.
For me I made two batch files:
echo off
cd d:
cd D:\YOURPATH\lwjgl-2.9.0\native\windows
jar cvf D:\YOURPATH\lwjgl-2.9.0\native\windows_natives_290.jar .
cd D:\YOURPATH\lwjgl-2.9.0\native\linux
jar cvf D:\YOURPATH\lwjgl-2.9.0\native\linux_natives_290.jar .
cd D:\YOURPATH\lwjgl-2.9.0\native\macosx
jar cvf D:\YOURPATH\lwjgl-2.9.0\native\macosx_natives_290.jar .
cd D:\YOURPATH\lwjgl-2.9.0\native\solaris
jar cvf D:\YOURPATH\lwjgl-2.9.0\native\solaris_natives_290.jar .
jarsigner -keystore D:\YOURPATH\Key\YourCertificate.jks -storepass PASSWORDXY -keypass ANOTHERPASSWORDXY -signedjar D:\YOURPATH\htdocs\windows_natives_290_signed.jar D:\YOURPATH\lwjgl-2.9.0\native\windows_natives_290.jar ANOTHERANOTHERPASSWORD
jarsigner -keystore D:\YOURPATH\Key\YourCertificate.jks -storepass PASSWORDXY -keypass ANOTHERPASSWORDXY -signedjar D:\YOURPATH\htdocs\linux_natives_290_signed.jar D:\YOURPATH\lwjgl-2.9.0\native\linux_natives_290.jar ANOTHERANOTHERPASSWORD
jarsigner -keystore D:\YOURPATH\Key\YourCertificate.jks -storepass PASSWORDXY -keypass ANOTHERPASSWORDXY -signedjar D:\YOURPATH\htdocs\macosx_natives_290_signed.jar D:\YOURPATH\lwjgl-2.9.0\native\macosx_natives_290.jar ANOTHERANOTHERPASSWORD
jarsigner -keystore D:\YOURPATH\Key\YourCertificate.jks -storepass PASSWORDXY -keypass ANOTHERPASSWORDXY -signedjar D:\YOURPATH\htdocs\solaris_natives_290_signed.jar D:\YOURPATH\lwjgl-2.9.0\native\solaris_natives_290.jar ANOTHERANOTHERPASSWORD
jarsigner -keystore D:\YOURPATH\Key\YourCertificate.jks -storepass PASSWORDXY -keypass ANOTHERPASSWORDXY -signedjar D:\YOURPATH\htdocs\lwjgl_util_applet_290_signed.jar D:\YOURPATH\lwjgl-2.9.0\jar\lwjgl_util_applet.jar ANOTHERANOTHERPASSWORD
jarsigner -keystore D:\YOURPATH\Key\YourCertificate.jks -storepass PASSWORDXY -keypass ANOTHERPASSWORDXY -signedjar D:\YOURPATH\htdocs\lzma_290_signed.jar D:\YOURPATH\lwjgl-2.9.0\jar\lzma.jar ANOTHERANOTHERPASSWORD
jarsigner -keystore D:\YOURPATH\Key\YourCertificate.jks -storepass PASSWORDXY -keypass ANOTHERPASSWORDXY -signedjar D:\YOURPATH\htdocs\jinput_290_signed.jar D:\YOURPATH\lwjgl-2.9.0\jar\jinput.jar ANOTHERANOTHERPASSWORD
jarsigner -keystore D:\YOURPATH\Key\YourCertificate.jks -storepass PASSWORDXY -keypass ANOTHERPASSWORDXY -signedjar D:\YOURPATH\htdocs\lwjgl_290_signed.jar D:\YOURPATH\lwjgl-2.9.0\jar\lwjgl.jar ANOTHERANOTHERPASSWORD

echo off
jarsigner -keystore D:\YOURPATH\Key\YourCertificate.jks -storepass PASSWORDXY -keypass ANOTHERPASSWORDXY -signedjar D:\YOURPATH\htdocs\code.signed.jar D:\YOURPATH\workspace_jme\YOURPROJECT\dist\Applet\code.jar ANOTHERANOTHERPASSWORD
jarsigner -keystore D:\YOURPATH\Key\YourCertificate.jks -storepass PASSWORDXY -keypass ANOTHERPASSWORDXY -signedjar D:\YOURPATH\htdocs\data.signed.jar D:\YOURPATH\workspace_jme\YOURPROJECT\dist\Applet\data.jar ANOTHERANOTHERPASSWORD

The first one builds, signs and copies the LWJGL files where i want them. I need to run it only if I update the LWJGL version or you need it everytime if you use the dist folder because sdk overwrite it.
The second signes and copies the code and data jar.
Adjust the Path/filenames as you need it…

I’m getting the same error.
Has anyone managed to get it working?