[jME Game]The jME Game project

i've voted for other, because all MMOs will fail. either the project will be too big, or it won't be massive, but succeed. imho, you should try to make a little but very cool and impressive game that you can simply start, play and understand without looking at a manual.

it should be an "open end game" where you try to get as much $, points or whatever as possible without a maximum limit, but a sensible points/difficulty-ratio (the higher you get, the more difficult the game becomes). it should be addictive, and there should be a high score list and a hall of fame. people will try to find new ways of beating the game, therefore it should be too complex for a best solution.

Ok, good points. Also, it is much more fun to play with people then to play alone. I have to go now, I am in Europe, so it is late. I hope Vardamir comes to take over soon, but discuss it. It is a community project.

My vote goes to Yo Frankie JME version. All the artistics stuff are ready.


Don't expect lots of community help outright, even if there are many people using jME on this forum, their experience may not be enough to create something as advanced as an MMO game. Also remember that most of those people are programmers, there will be a lack of game content (models, textures, audio, etc), so creating a content intensive game like an MMO would require us to look for some serious art assistance in other places. 

HamsterofDeath said:

i've voted for other, because all MMOs will fail. either the project will be too big, or it won't be massive, but succeed. imho, you should try to make a little but very cool and impressive game that you can simply start, play and understand without looking at a manual.
it should be an "open end game" where you try to get as much $, points or whatever as possible without a maximum limit, but a sensible points/difficulty-ratio (the higher you get, the more difficult the game becomes). it should be addictive, and there should be a high score list and a hall of fame. people will try to find new ways of beating the game, therefore it should be too complex for a best solution.

I like this idea. It shouldn't be snake or tetris but somewhere between that and what modern games are.

I do not promise to help in this project, mostly the fact that it was planned to be an MMO somewhat deterred me. But I do like the idea and can provide some indirect help as there's lots of sitting jME code on my hard drive..

I voted for "Other" because I am also reluctant to accept that MMORPG is achievable (for most of the reasons already exposed here).

A racing game, graphic adventure, or puzzle game seems to me a funnier and more achievable goal.

I will be cooperating as time permits, as long as the technical side is leaded by a somehow experienced programmer and is not a MMO game (I also wonder where artists are gonna come from :D…).

In any case, I like the idea. I look forward to see the list of positions, features and a to-do list to start!

Well I may be one of the only other one voting for it but i think an MMO FPS could help spread the word of jME. with the amount of talented coders and artist here in the jME forums, it would probably be easy to get a simple fps running in which we could tweak certain elements and give it more of an RPG feel afterwards. What better genre to quickly show off the power of the engine and the artistic views of the developers than an FPS. IMHO I see too many gridlocks in a MMORPG unless we have a dedicated lead dev but even then i think progress will be halted at some point.

It looks like we will be making other unless the votes turn around. I will change the post in a few days to start going to other topics like puzzle, racing, etc. if the votes don't turn around.

I'd like to contribute.  I'm pretty hardcore at java and am so-so on 3-d programming.  If nothing else, I'd be a solid game mechanics coder.

I voted for MMOFPS because I'm thinking the Counter Strike model: no persistence, no quests, no level ups, no epic items, no story line, no elves, yet it's arguably the most played game in the world.

Much has happend since i left yesterday. After reading all the posts here, i must agree, that it is not the best idea to start off with a plan to create an MMOG. But still i think we should always keep that goal in mind somewhere.

This game project should be simple, networked and extendable. Let's look at the most successful MMOG out there: did they start as an MMORPG? No, they started as an RTS.

With an RTS we can create all that we want:

  • An addictive and fun game (with relatively little effort)
  • Create a story, that can be expanded
  • Insert some networking layer to play against others

  • I also like the idea about Yo Frankie! Its the same idea as here. They create a game for their engine, as a proof of concept. This is what it is all about here.

    When we are able to create a single player game, we can still expand this game (or its assets) to be an online game. When people like to play that game, they will tell us, if we should go the MMO way.

    What are the next steps, now that we have agreed on doing it? I like the idea of the IRC channel. We should do this on a regular basis. This can be the next steps:

  • Create a place, where we can discuss things
  • Create a place where we can put some documents in (design ideas, stories, art, code)
  • Create some teams with clear responsibilities
  • Create a rough road map

    I suggest to setup a project on Google code then, when we have a name for this little project :smiley:

    But first, we have to agree on a genre.

I think I can help in this project, too. I'm programing in Java since 2 years and since more than

a month I'm coding a team-based space-shooter with RTS-elements.

For this project I would also prefer a team-based game like battlefield, or wolfenstein

or even an RTS. I agree that MMO-games are much too big to create, and since there are

many other projects going on making a MMO-game with jME, there should not be a huge

request on such games g.

Unfortunately, I have no experience with networking. But I could at least help with the

basic-game-mechanics and maybe creating an ingame-GUI (with fengGUI, for example).

Let's see where it goes ;).

I finished my university course in 2006( Tecnology in software development).

I like AI game engine and currently I am reading the book "AI game engine programming".

So, I think i can help with AI enemy behavior.

Ok, we will ned an AI programmer. I am not good at AI, I'm not squre about anyone else. The team is growing fast though! We shouldn't have problems with recruitment. Also, I will change the pools now so there are no MMO games, since that seems to not be in favor.

Vardamir, do you want to be project leader? I am willing to be the leader if it is too much for you with having Monkey World 3d.

Ok, that might work. I think we will do that. Fine with you Vardamir? I will put it up as that, and if you have a problem can change it.

Also, probably time to implement Vardamir's steps. I'll post a new topic asking for a forum section dedicated to this, since this is a community project.

I think it would be more appropriate if you guys made an entire new forum… and perhaps also webpage… like the Radakan project…

Like Vardamir said, it should be accessible for the community to see. This is definitely the most appropriate place. We want people in the jME community to easily see it and join. It is a community project, after all. Having it's own forum might separate it too much. It is average practice in community projects for it to be here too.

Jedimace1 said:

Also, there is only one other MMORPG out there made in Java(or at least run from a web browser). Runescape. I think we should show that Runescape is not Java. That is a common misconception. We could make it to use Java Web Start. Also, there are thousands of games out there, so is it a waste of time to make another one?

That's not even true (there's several java MMO's and at least one of  them even uses LWJGL, Wurm Online)

Yes, and Wurm is more than a bit impressive in it's way.