jME render movie on server?

Hello everyone

I’ve been away for a long time but I’ve used jME a lot in the past.

My question is if jME is the right choice for my next project. (I hope).

I need to render simple 3D scenes to movie files on a server. Basically input 3D data and parameters, return movie file. I have read about VideoRecorderAppState, but can you use that without rendering to a screen?

Or is there a more suitable library out there for me to use?


The screen is inimportant, the existance of a graficcard is not.
Depending on performance need the onboard card might be suitable.

Assuming a linux server, you could also allow via “lwjgl hidden switches” the use of software rendering, using a normal mesa driver ov linxu this should be opengl2 compatible (but also kinda slow)

And just to clarify: VideoRecorderAppState outputs directly to a file.

In any case, due to the simplicity of using VideoRecorderAppState, you should be able to test it out with minimal effort. Just add it to one of the test examples and see if it does what you expect.

Thank you for your answers!

It’s great to be back.
