jme3 - scenegraph or unreal sdk foe?

normen said:

I definitely think that an integrated solution would be the best solution for jme3 as an open source game engine. Also, as said I think lots of the burdens of such a system can be taken off by using an existing framework. I am very willing to invest time into jme3 but we surely have to talk a bit more direct before, seems like I only catch some of you because I like to code in the night :)

Some of your night is part of our day ;)

The idea of a "Game Development Environment" is an appealing one and would likely draw a lot of new users in addition to making many jME veterans happy.  Especially now with Momoko working over the canvas system the time seems right for another effort at a full blown environment.  On top of this, building interfaces+functionality as it relates to jME is something I've come to have quite a bit of experience in.