JmeBinaryReader errors

Hi all,

After updating to the most recent CVS, I was greeted with some rather ugly exceptions when my game tries to load it's .jme models…

EDIT: jmetest.renderer.loader.TestBinaryXML also breaks at the same place :frowning:


at com.jmex.model.XMLparser.JmeBinaryReader.buildMaterial(Unknown Source)

at com.jmex.model.XMLparser.JmeBinaryReader.readBegining(Unknown Source)

at com.jmex.model.XMLparser.JmeBinaryReader.loadBinaryFormat(Unknown Source)

at com.jmex.model.XMLparser.JmeBinaryReader.loadBinaryFormat(Unknown Source)

and into my game…

…where I do:

model = jbr.loadBinaryFormat(DesertVictory.class.getClassLoader().getResource("model.jme").openStream());

It was working perfectly before. Is there a new (and incompatible) jme model format? or did someone break it?  :stuck_out_tongue:



Renanse made a few improvements to MaterialState, which might have caused some incompatiblities to existing .jme models. Re-export your model using JmeBinaryWrite, then the read should work fine.

That does the trick  :smiley: