JMESwingTest input problems


I´m just new in JME, and I was checking the JMESwingTest Demo.

Any input (mouse or keyboard) works on the JMEComponent, it´s supose to be like that or it´s a bug?

In the outputs of the program:

WARNING: Could not create keyboard.

Jan 6, 2005 11:27:17 PM com.jme.input.lwjgl.LWJGLMouseInput <init>

WARNING: Problem during creation of Mouse.

So, it´s a bug or I´m doing something wrong… :?

I assume you mean no input works on it? If so, then you are right. It’s a view only component… although you could always setup your own capturing of mouse/key events in swing and act on them yourself.

That´s exactly what I mean :?


Just one more question:

The firt thing I think to solve this problem is make a kind of bridge between swing behaviors and opengl inputs manager, but if the program can´t initialize the inputs for opengl, who can I make that?

Do I have to rewrite the FirstPersonHandler and related classes?

I´m just worried about this output message:

WARNING: Could not create keyboard.

Jan 6, 2005 11:27:17 PM com.jme.input.lwjgl.LWJGLMouseInput <init>

WARNING: Problem during creation of Mouse.

It is supose to show always?

Yes, I’m pretty sure that it won’t be able to create those things because the swing integration uses a headless pbuffer for rendering… I believe the lwjgl input stuff requires a visual context to work correctly (which makes sense of course…) That shouldn’t be a problem though, if the input variable of that test was set with some kind of InputHandler that listened for Swing events, it should work fine. If I get time maybe I can put one together. (but that won’t be for a while…)

Can you wait until my jogl system is out before making any radical changes? My input handler can probity be easily modified for this purpose.