JMP SceneViewer … configuration?

Is there any way to configure the SceneViewer? For ex. tell it which renderer to use?

In JME3, i can set application settings to OpenGL1 and do basical work even on machines that dont have OpenGL2-support (cant afford new gfx-cards for all my machines), and i’d like to do the same in JMP…

You dont need to set the OpenGL version at all, you rather produce problems by that. Its all automatically configured, also in the games. When you set OpenGL2 or OpenGL3 you just forbid using the lower OpenGL versions (which is why OpenGL3 just results in an error, jME3 uses OpenGL2 mainly). So, when only OpenGL1 is available that is used and when OpenGL3 is available some shaders use it for a handful of functions only available in OGL3.

Er, no, its just crashing with an exeption:

“Unexpected Exeption:

GLSL and OpenGL2 is required for the LWJGL-Renderer”

java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: GLSL and OpenGL2 is required for the LWJGL renderer!

at com.jme3.renderer.lwjgl.LwjglRenderer.initialize(

at com.jme3.system.lwjgl.LwjglContext.internalCreate(

at com.jme3.system.lwjgl.LwjglAbstractDisplay.initInThread(


[catch] at

jMP probably won’t render many things correctly unless OpenGL2 is supported by the underlying system.

@Normen: Actually we don’t scale down from OpenGL2 to OpenGL1 … The reason for that is because lighting is still not supported in OpenGL1 renderer so your scene will look completely different, in many cases it may be desirable to just crash instead.

Momoko_Fan said:
Actually we don't scale down from OpenGL2 to OpenGL1 ...

Narf.. Well.. I think we should, user can always check for OpenGL2 capability and just display a warning or w/e. I think falling back by default would be better than crashing.
I think falling back by default would be better than crashing.
