Just Upgraded NoSuchMethodError:

I just upgraded the SDK with all the plugins and such. Now my application decides it’s not going to work.

Here is the error

java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: tonegod.gui.controls.windows.Window.<init>(Ltonegod/gui/core/Screen;Ljava/lang/String;Lcom/jme3/math/Vector2f;)V

This line is the culprit
startMenu = new Window(GUI.screen, “MainWindow”, new Vector2f(15f, 15f));

Here is the class and project

Any help is appreciated!

Solved by restarting my computer, sorry!

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@BigBob said: I just upgraded the SDK with all the plugins and such. Now my application decides it's not going to work.

Here is the error

java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: tonegod.gui.controls.windows.Window.<init>(Ltonegod/gui/core/Screen;Ljava/lang/String;Lcom/jme3/math/Vector2f;)V

This line is the culprit
startMenu = new Window(GUI.screen, “MainWindow”, new Vector2f(15f, 15f));

Here is the class and project

Any help is appreciated!

How are you initializing the screen?
Custom style_map? Or standard?

Actually… just post the screen initialization and I should be able to tell you what the problem is. I need to update the new xml loader to throw an exception on failure to locate… atm, it pulls a Nifty maneuver =)

@BigBob said: Solved by restarting my computer, sorry!

Was actually going to suggest clean & build on the project… but a restart works too!

Just here to say that the lib is quite stable… been “afk” for a couple months and just came back to my project, installed the new sdk and got the last version of tonegodgui and neither the sdk nor the gui plugin gave me any errors due to changes… which is quite a feat. Was pleasantly surprised.
NB: using the standard look and feel of tonegodgui, so was not impacted by the xml changes :D.
I really like the plugin system too.

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