Lefty Mice...er, mouses...mices...er?

Hey, I know there is a lot of work being done here, so I don’t want to rock the boat.

However, I have been working through a lot of demos, and was surprised to find that my left-handed mouse acts like a right handed mouse. That is, even though I have told windows to take my index finger as the standard “left click” (which is actually the right button), jME applications do no such thing.

Is there a way to account for this in the controllers? It is a minor annoyance for me, but an annoyance nonetheless, as I have to constantly remind myself that clicking and dragging is the oposite way I expect it.



Interesting. We simply use input details given to us by lwjgl. In the case of the mouse, we go through buttons in numerical order and say they are on… So not really a concept of LEFT or RIGHT. I’m not sure how you might grab information on which is which. Looks like there is a getButtonName method in lwjgl’s Mouse class, but that seems less than reliable cross platform.

problem is that the input is raw from directx - which does not take user settings into account. I discussed it with Elias the other night how we could handle this. Nothing conclusive yet…

Thanks for the reply all…Are we sure there is no setting anywhere that holds that info? Many of the games I play seem to account for my mouse being a lefty.

Well, thanks for the help anyway.

"DevHyfes" wrote:
Thanks for the reply all...Are we sure there is no setting anywhere that holds that info? Many of the games I play seem to account for my mouse being a lefty.

Well, thanks for the help anyway.
You know that's weird, I'm a lefty too, but I use my right hand for all video games (and real games too, including both catching and throwing).
You know that's weird, I'm a lefty too, but I use my right hand for all video games (and real games too, including both catching and throwing).

That is not weird at all. I'm actually right handed. However, Left-handed mousing is better ergonomically (or so the doctors tell me) since the positioning of keyboards with a full number pad causes extra stress on the right wrist since it needs to move further out of allignment.

In any case, my wife is also right handed, but lefty sports player (the best lefty enforcer to ever play hockey as far as I'm concerned.) ;)
