I second that!
That’s a fine idea. And how about a topic to request help reviewing pull requests? PRs sometimes sit open for months at GitHub.
I see we have a couple new members at GitHub:
People · jMonkeyEngine · GitHub
Congratulations, @Ali_RS and @RiccardoBlb!
I look forward to your future contributions and hope your example will inspire others to follow in your footsteps.
Thanks guys
It’s that time of year again.
I want to see more people involved in development, debugging, reviewing, documentation, etcetera. In principle, anyone can contribute code and documentation via pull requests. However, I know from experience how awkward and frustrating that can be.
Does anyone want to become a member of the jmonkeyengine project at GitHub?
My time is quite limited these days, but I don’t see that changing anytime soon so now is as good a time as any. I often notice missing/incomplete Javadocs as I’m working with jME, and that’s as quick to contribute as the behavior is to find out via source review. I’d also be happy to contribute fixes for patchable bugs I encounter.
Just someone doing that on an occasional basis would help even with the wiki. Lots of times I run into things that I can only figure out by doing and that can cascade into hours or longer just to write or fix one single document.
The man who moves a mountain begins by carrying away small stones.
usually if i find issue(thats not often anyway), i just try help solve it and allow other people do pull request.
so myself i dont feel like i need it. im here just like a support class
@danielp has been added as a Member. Welcome to the club, Daniel! I look forward to your contributions.
Thank you! It’s an honor, and I look forward to working with you all to keep jME moving forward!
I feel the same as @oxplay2 BUT if it’s just reviewing pull requests, I’m willing to contribute. I’d also be glad to help with larger things too, if time permits.
I believe anyone with a GitHub account can review pull requests. If you want to do so and cannot, let me know!