Hi everyone,
I’ve recently cloned the master branch of the jMonkeyEngine project with the SDK, and successfully built the 3.8.0-SNAPSHOT version using Gradle. However, I’m encountering issues when attempting to run the libDist
I’m wondering if others are experiencing similar problems on Windows.
Error message:
* Where:
Script 'C:\jme-workspace\jmonkeyengine\build.gradle' line: 91
* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':libDist'.
> Could not copy file 'C:\jme-workspace\jmonkeyengine\jme3-android\build\libs\jme3-android-3.8.0-SNAPSHOT.jar' to 'C:\jme-workspace\jmonkeyengine\build\libDist\lib\jme3-android.task ':jme3-android:jar' property 'archiveExtension''.
> C:\jme-workspace\jmonkeyengine\build\libDist\lib\jme3-android.task ':jme3-android:jar' property 'archiveExtension' (The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect)
from build.gradle:
task libDist(dependsOn: subprojects.build, description: 'Builds and copies the engine binaries, sources and javadoc to build/libDist') {
doLast {
File libFolder = mkdir("$buildDir/libDist/lib")
File sourceFolder = mkdir("$buildDir/libDist/sources")
File javadocFolder = mkdir("$buildDir/libDist/javadoc")
subprojects.each {project ->
project.tasks.withType(Jar).each {archiveTask ->
if(archiveTask.archiveClassifier == "sources"){
copy {
from archiveTask.archivePath
into sourceFolder
rename {project.name + '-' + archiveTask.archiveClassifier +'.'+ archiveTask.archiveExtension}
} else if(archiveTask.archiveClassifier == "javadoc"){
copy {
from archiveTask.archivePath
into javadocFolder
rename {project.name + '-' + archiveTask.archiveClassifier +'.'+ archiveTask.archiveExtension}
} else{
copy {
from archiveTask.archivePath
into libFolder
rename {project.name + '.' + archiveTask.archiveExtension}
Could this be the cause of the problem? Is there an error in the build.gradle
Check the Filename:
- The destination filename seems to be missing an extension. The error message suggests that the
property might not be set correctly. - You might need to adjust the task configuration to include the
extension in the destination filename.
can anyone tell me if there is a bug in the ‘libDist’ task of the jme engine build.gradle