Lighting in shadows

Maybe you have a different link for that? I dissabled everything now except the jMonkeyEngine SDK User Contributions and “Available Plugins” is completely empty

…but, why you guys using 3.1 for development…its Alpha?? :hushed:

When I do that, I still have 27 plugins available (and 49 installed)… one of them being the projective thingy.
I don’t know where to find that link you talked about though… if you can point me to it I can tell you what I have there.

Because we can :sunglasses:
When I downloaded 3.1 I got complications with 3.0 and with WinExplorer (don’t ask me why), so I use 3.1 now

If you look on my picture:
On the right side it says:
Last Check: 17.10.15 12:57
And below is a URL

Maybe it is different from yours? (Yes, I totally see no reason why it should be different :sweat: )

Mmmm, I updated too today so got the same last check, but it points to a different address:

Thanks for your help, this worked.

May you tell me the link for SDK Stable aswell, because there I also have 0 plugins

Certified plugins:
NBAndroid updates:
Netbeans Distribution:
Plugin Portal:
JmonkeyEngine SDK Stable:
JmonkeyEngine SDK User Contributions:

Those came out of the box when I installed… not bright enough to tell you if they are the good ones, but they work for me.

NBAndroid updates may have come from my meddling, I don’t remember.

Because you are a lot more professional than I am :D.
My project is in a state where small visual changes aren’t harmful as they won’t risk harming any carefully crafted ambiance… because I haven’t moved to really focusing on art yet.

Moving towards 3.1 went extremely smoothly here (for android too). I currently have 3.0 and 3.1 SDK on same computer with my project working on desktop and android in both environments (with small easy changes).
In my case, moving towards 3.1 even corrected a visual glitch.

Thanks, the others are all the same a you have.

Now I just have to find out how the Projective Texture Mapping works^^

Because 3.0 has just as many bugs as 3.1… they are just different. But bugs are still being fixed in 3.1.

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…then term ‘alpha’ is somewhat misleading…if 3.1 is buggy as 3.0 is, then why 3.0 is called ‘stable’ ? :slight_smile:

I find them both stable… but maybe I’m just lucky.

Stable in terms of API changes. There is no software without bugs… (Except hello world examples xD)

…ahh…that makes perfect sense :slight_smile: …hehe