Lighting.j3md issues on custom Mesh

Hi there,

i have created and custom Mesh and have used the “unshaded” mode for the texture, now i want to use the “Lighting.j3md”.

I have used the “Lighting.j3md” for other meshes withouf problems, but if i do it on my Mesh the Texture only appears if im near to it.

Can you help me?

thank you

your mesh has wrong index order or wrong normals.


result.indexArray = new short[mesh.indexArray.length];

for (int i = 0; i < mesh.indexArray.length; i += 3)


result.indexArray = mesh.indexArray;

result.indexArray = mesh.indexArray;

result.indexArray = mesh.indexArray;



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i have allready tried to change the order of the indexes, but this has no effect. What do you mean with “wrong normals”?

thanks :slight_smile:

use this to visualize your normals.

[java]public static Node createDebugNormals(Mesh mesh, Material mat)


Node debugNormals = new Node();

VertexBuffer vertex = mesh.getBuffer(Type.Position);

float[] vertexArray = BufferUtils.getFloatArray((FloatBuffer) vertex.getData());

VertexBuffer normals = mesh.getBuffer(Type.Normal);

float[] normalArray = BufferUtils.getFloatArray((FloatBuffer) normals.getData());

for (int i = 0; i < vertexArray.length; i += 3)


Vector3f p1 = new Vector3f(vertexArray, vertexArray, vertexArray);

Vector3f n1 = new Vector3f(normalArray, normalArray, normalArray);

debugNormals.attachChild(createLine("DebugShowNormalsLine", mat, p1, p1.add(n1.mult(0.1f))));



return debugNormals;


public static Geometry createLine(Material mat, Vector3f startPosition, Vector3f endPosition)


return createLine("Line", mat, startPosition, endPosition);


public static Geometry createLine(String name, Material mat, Vector3f startPosition, Vector3f endPosition)


Line line = new Line(startPosition, endPosition);

Geometry lineGeom = new Geometry(name, line);


return lineGeom;



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thanks a lot, it seems to be caused by the wrong normals.