Load files without the Fileformat 3jo in Releaseversion

Hi folks,
currently i am trying to develop a map editor in which the user can load models/materials/animations etc while the application is running.
Because it has to be easy for anyone to create maps i can’t make them download the Jme3 just to create j3o object from Blendermaterials/models… so i either need a to 3jo converter that dosn’t use to much discspace or i need to be able to load xml files in the released application.

When loading xml files my applications throws an uncaught exception “AssetNOtFoundException”.

I don’t know what to do…
thanks for any responses

Ps: example code of my Problem
Spatial corridor = assetManager.loadModel(“Models/Plane.mesh.j3o”); // works fine in both the IDE and releaseVersion
Spatial corridor = assetManager.loadModel(“Models/Plane.mesh.xml”); // only works in IDE -.- in releaseVersion -> “AssetNotFoundException”

As you cannot save to ogre files from the engine (and especially not special features like terrain and particles etc) a map editor would have to save j3o as well. The wiki contains an example on how to do that from code.

Thanks for such a quick answer
I think i will write a map exporter with my own fileformat in java.
I just wanted to save myself the work of understanding lots of fileformats and having to load them in manualy …
So if i want to be able to load xml maps at runtime i have to write myself my own converter ?? … That would mean allot of effort!
If so is there any reference on the j3o fileformat?

Thanks for any help

j3o just uses the serialization system of jME3, so implement “Savable” properly in all your special classes (best implement Controls if its spatial-specific) and all referenced objects will be saved along with the scenegraph. Theres really no need and advantage in creating your own file format.

Edit: See this video, the control that rotates the mill can be saved along with it because its a Control.

Thanks normen,
my greatest issue is that users cant contribute their models (animations, models etc) to my game because they would need jME just for the conversion to j3o …
I can’t see a way around this problem with jME which is kinda frustrating because it took so much time to get familiar with everything …
Help is greatly appreatiated

As I said, you can save j3o directly from the engine, your application (that is the map editor) can save j3o, the SDK does nothing different in the background. Click to the “documentation” link above and enter “save j3o” in the search field on that page. Or press Ctrl-I in the SDK and enter the same.

I don’t understand what the issue is.
Can’t you just include jME3 in the map editor so that you can export J3O files?
The core engine JAR itself is only 1 MB.

My Problem is:
-load Models in a format everyone has access to (in releaseMode)
(jME3 only lets me load in j3o)
-> so i need a way to load other fileformats in releasemode ( like xml which dosnt work -.- only in the IDE itsself)
-> i need a “to j3o” converter but! -> i can’t make everyone download jME3 just so he can convert to 3jo … (everything has to be easy for people that use my software)

probably the IDE converts models etc. to j3o, so the core engine JAR won’t do.

thanks for support

We try to tell you all the time that no, you don’t need the SDK to create j3o files, you can create them directly in your map editor or make a small command lie tool for it if you wish to use external editors.

Simple answer:

-> so i need a way to load other fileformats in releasemode ( like xml which dosnt work -.- only in the IDE itsself)
Nope, wrong - It's possible to load *.blend, *.mesh.xml, *.object and whatever directly in your application and even to convert and save them to *.j3o-files on the runtime. (The plugin in the SDK is nothing else than a little jME3-app ;))

THANKS destroflyer !!! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
Now i know what exactly to look for.
Didnt find the time try things out properly yet but when i will also explain all
(for anyone else that googles and sees this forum page!)