Lock Z axis

@normen said: What you do there is bad voodoo btw, do not get().set() at any time in jme3!: I’ve heard so, but why? It usually works. edit: Could it be because the set method might include more operations than simply setting a variable? edit2: Changed the code

I believe the platform game Trine has this kind of physics; where movement in the z-direction is constrained.

Could it be because the set method might include more operations than simply setting a variable?

Yes, and even if there are none now there might be in the future, especially in physics (native bullet).
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if you don’t want movement in z-direction, then you can do:


this makes all z values 0. And put it inside an update(float tpf); in a control for example.

-.- what did I just say? xD Also, just setting the location might cause funny physics effects, you micro-beam the object basically…

what did I just say?
Haha :p
Also, just setting the location might cause funny physics effects, you micro-beam the object basically..
Yeah, that's also the reason I didn't suggest that.
Why do multiplication when you can just set the value to 0?
I'ld still go with:
public void prePhysicsTick(PhysicsSpace space, float f) {
Vector3f linearVelocityVector = getLinearVelocity();
linearVelocityVector.z = 0;
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Not works :frowning: Object moves in jumps… O_o

// Edit:


Sorry, but m4tx is an idiot… -.-

[java] orbPhys = new RigidBodyControlZLock(1.5f);


I had this:


Instead of:


Eh… -.-

Now it works properly. Almost. Object is sometimes rotating around Z axis.




public void prePhysicsTick(PhysicsSpace space, float f){

Vector3f linearVelocityVector = getLinearVelocity();

Vector3f angularVelocityVector = getAngularVelocity();

linearVelocityVector.z = 0;

angularVelocityVector.x = 0;

angularVelocityVector.y = 0;








public void prePhysicsTick(PhysicsSpace space, float f){

Vector3f linearVelocityVector = getLinearVelocity();

Vector3f angularVelocityVector = getAngularVelocity();

linearVelocityVector.z = 0;

angularVelocityVector.z = 0;






I use this first and it works :> Thanks for all!

I use this first and it works :> Thanks for all!
Glad to hear it finally worked out.