Ludum Dare 32: "An Unconventional Weapon" - Progress Thread

looks brilliant , gonna test it.

For this ludum i didnā€™t made a ā€œgameā€, because there are no game play :confused:
But i had fun doing this, and this was the first time i did a 3D ā€œgameā€ with JME.
It was the moment to try stuff i didnā€™t know about.
I made a lot of effects using particlesEmitter, without texture, without vertextColor.

Postmortem ? :
I thinks i didnā€™t work enough at the very beginning on the main idea / gameplay. I started a little too quick without knowing were i was going, then I realize maybe too late that will not fit with the theme.

Anyway, have fun.
Storm, Earth & Fire


Suggestion: Continue, complete (or start a new) game until end of judging (to have a date) in 21 days. And then to share our post-compo here.