Lwjgl 3.3.0

Release LWJGL 3.3.0 · LWJGL/lwjgl3 (github.com)



Indeed! It should enable us to address issue 1528 and possibly some bugs as well.

Shall we switch to LWGJL 3.3.0 in JME 3.5?


I think so. On my personal projects I have been running the 3.3.0-SNAPSHOT for several months. It has been working great. I am just getting done updating the build settings to move them to the release version. I think it would be awesome if JME was updated to 3.3.0 final.


If we’re going to do it, then the sooner we start testing it, the better. I’ll submit a PR.


I edited “jme3-lwjgl3/build.gradle” and started a build. Compilation failed in “jme3-vr”:

> Task :jme3-vr:compileJava
/home/sgold/Git/jmonkeyengine/jme3-vr/src/main/java/com/jme3/input/vr/oculus/OculusVR.java:170: error: cannot access org.lwjgl.system.CallbackI.V
        OVRLogCallback callback = new OVRLogCallback() {
  class file for org.lwjgl.system.CallbackI$V not found
Note: Some input files use or override a deprecated API.
Note: Recompile with -Xlint:deprecation for details.
1 error

> Task :jme3-vr:compileJava FAILED

The VR module used an outdated (very outdated) snapshot version of lwjgl iirc. It may take some work to get it to compile. But really it needs rewritten. Last time I used it I had to build almost all of my own bindings because its were insufficient, or not designed correctly.

EDIT: Looking at the jme-jr module, I guess it was using 3.2.3. For some reason I thought it was on an old snapshot.

EDIT 2: You probably did, but just to double check, you also changed the LWJGL version in the jme-vr build.gradle? I am getting my IDEA setup with jmonkeyengine again. I’m not sure why I always do this, but when ever I’m done working on something in jme I always leave my copy of the repo in some strange state that is hard to fix…


You probably did, but just to double check, you also changed the LWJGL version in the jme-vr build.gradle?

No, I didn’t. With that change, I still get the same compile-time error, though.

Probably should fix the build scripts so that lwjglVersion is only defined in one place.

EDIT: With the script fixed, I actually get a different error:

/home/sgold/Git/jmonkeyengine/jme3-vr/src/main/java/com/jme3/input/vr/lwjgl_openvr/LWJGLOpenVR.java:238: error: cannot find symbol
  symbol:   method VRSystem_ResetSeatedZeroPose()
  location: class org.lwjgl.openvr.VRSystem

EDIT 2: I wonder if this has to do with LWJGL upgrading OpenVR to 1.16.8 (up from 1.6.10).

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Probably. Im driving today, but when I stop tonight I can take a look at getting it to compile again.

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@sgold I opened a PR for 3.3.0 support.