Main forum page loading slow


I have noticed that the forum index page takes a bit long to load and I wanted to inform you that this should get better as soon as a bug in buddypress is fixed that prevents enabling object caching for the site.



Found the “bug”. Apparently buddypress’s method to count the posts for the whole site is not so efficient. Since I dont think people need to know the exact amount of posts on the site I guess setting the display to “>10k” should be ok, the forum page loads way quicker this way :smiley:

Now we wait for buddypress to be fully compatible to the object cache and we should be happy monkeys :wink:



Wow, weird bug… Good squash Normen, this is gonna make visiting the forum a lot more enjoyable.

normen said:
Now we wait for buddypress to be fully compatible to the object cache and we should be happy monkeys ;)

I trust you've already lectured someone about it?

No, I did not inform the bp devs of my findings yet, I still collect the problems when enabling the cache. No 1 is the last forum post appears on top thing and no 2 is the “posted in group” info disappearing in the forums index view (also the post links dont work then anymore). But I guess the object cache can now be deemed low priority as the database access is not a bottleneck here. Still, I will check if I can use the cache with new versions of BP.