(March 2021) Monthly WIP Screenshot Thread

Working on Grenade Game to work out networking in a smaller, less complicated game.

Recent Updates

  • Switched from CharacterControl to plain ol RigidBody
  • Made a nice logo using LibreOffice Draw and screenshot (yeah, very redneck, can anybody suggest better texture-making software for Linux?)


hi @Pauli, very interesting. Would you like to tell us more technical details on how you achieved this, perhaps in a separate topic?


GIMP , GNU Image Manipulation Tool , it comes shipped with some Linux distros , btw nice work & good luck :smiley::+1:.

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I use this one myself, as its probably one of the more feature-complete ones. That said, it does have a bit of a learning curve compared to, say, Paint.NET on Windows.

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Some screenshots of my current project.
Itā€™s a retro shooter inspired by the System Shock series.
Iā€™m doing all level geometry with my custom level editor. This helped me find lots of bugs and improvements I want to fix before doing more levels.


Edit: hereā€™s a playable build: Dropbox - abyss-of-the-void.jar - Simplify your life


Hey guys,

as some of you know, Iā€™m working on a Java Vulkan engine from time to time.
So first of all I wanted to ask if itā€™s fine that I keep posting updates / progress here, as itā€™s not directly related to jME, since itā€™s obviously another engine. However, it would be a lie to say my work wasnā€™t heavily inspired by jME and I know some of the folks here asked me for updates, so I will quickly share a few. If the monthly screenshot thread is not the place for this kind of content, please let me know. :slight_smile:

ā€¦ it would look way cooler in a video, but I didnā€™t have time to record and upload one.

New features:

  • BoundingBoxes
  • RayCasting & CollisionResults (via BIH, which is also where I found the improvements for jME that I plan to contribute (see other thread))
  • MouseInput (In my demo app, the user can now click somewhere, doing a ray cast and adding little gray cubes at the collision results (can be seen at the yellow house in the screenshot (after moving the camera a bit :stuck_out_tongue: )))
  • RenderBuckets to guarantee correct render order (fully customizable)
  • GUI node support (with a specific viewMatrix to enable putting all possible object into the GUI, like in jME) and a few helpers to create image panels
  • Caching compiled shader SPIRV to improve performance when modifying the scene
  • Options to set culling, wireframe rendering, depth test, depth write, etc. etc.
  • A few other technical improvements, mainly refactoring and cleanup

So far, Iā€™m really happy with the progress - But there is still a ton of work to do before I would consider it a mature code basis. I still learn new things about Vulkan every time I touch something, leading to more and more refactorings and to-do-list-entries. The optimization possibilities are endless, but itā€™s hard to offer them in a generic way (as the whole point of Vulkan is actually to offer low-level stuff so you can customize it for your game). In any case, Iā€™m excited how the project evolves.


Itā€™s actually quite simple, because I implemented a basic animation system where a model is just a regular part of the scene graph (node = bone). That way I can use all the standard scene graph / vector methods without thinking too much about matrices and stuff (but without features like weighted mesh deformation at this point).
The leg IK is then just a matter of calculating the hip / knee / foot locations and let the limbs look at the end points.


I personally love seeing the updates.


Yeah, Iā€™ve heard of GIMP. Donā€™t you need a starting image for it though?

Also, does jme support scalable vectors?

You can start painting from zero , just like photoshop CC , but this would be an open source software ,

What do you mean by Scalable vectors , there are vec.add(vec) , subtract , scaleAdd which multiples by scalar & add the new vector & you can simply scale a vector by multiplying itā€™s Components x , y , z by a scaleFactor of choice.

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codex mean vector graphic, i only know TTF font that do so i suppose

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Afaik, there are two plugins for loading SVGs



Scalable Vector Graphics (svg) Iā€™m pretty sure is a way of storing an image using vectors. Although I donā€™t know much about it, I do know that a game called Xmoto (:heart_eyes:) uses it for itā€™s levels (which can get very large) because it happens to be pretty effecient. I could be wrong about it though.

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it depend on games, Mesh vertex locations are not so ā€œinaccurateā€ as ā€œpixelsā€.

SVG was used to avoid scale issue that happends that pixel graphic have.

So if you need it for 2D scaling graphic, it make sense to avoid pixel scaling issue.

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