(May 2015) Montly WIP screenshot thread

Very cool, I’ll have to keep that in mind if I decide to make a sequel to my hunting game Sovereign using jME.

With some help from Paul and Kirill

(AmbientLight, DirectionalLight, 200 PointLights, 200 SpotLights)
*one of the boxes is rendered in the translucent bucket with the default lighting material

Whats on the list:
*SpotLights require still a bit love.
*Shadow Integration
*Making it compatible as best i can


Deferred Rendering? @zzuegg
Sadly i never managed to fully understand it, despite multiple tries :slight_smile: For now I can only hope that at some point someone more competent in math will include it into jme :chimpanzee_rolleyes:


I agree :smiley:

And well done @zzuegg I shall be following this with much interest.

Just a small update on our Dungeon Keeper II remake… Hardware accelerated animated textures (the wings on the fairy):


“Makle” :

Runs on android tablet and pc.


What genre of game is this?

Don’t suppose there’s any chance of the tessellated terrain going public is there? Was just about to start trying to work on that myself as it’s exactly what I need. Looks awesome!

im waiting for it too :stuck_out_tongue:

Depends what you guys need. It is far away from a game usable terrain system.

  1. Physics is a bitch, currently not even possible to generate a ImageBasedHeightmap out of a 16bit grayscale texture
  2. Physics is again a bitch, so even displacement mapping looks pretty awesome it is near to impossible to use with physics.
  3. It lacks cleverness (Why tessellate flat regions?)
  4. No single line of code to add lighting

If you just need a startpoint i can upload it today. But its really just a playground prototype full of issues :wink:

Well, for my purpose I’m currently spawning some grass vertices from terrain points (within a specific camera range) using a geometry shader.

The trouble is the terrain quad points are one unit apart, which is too sparse for me.

I would like to be able to tessellate these terrain patches to produce denser grass when close up

Does it sound like your solution would help here?

That dungeon keeper remake is awesome I still love that game

I tried using tesselation to generate additional vertices to generate grass blades some time ago and for me it seemed to work well enough. (I didn’t try alpha mapped billboard grass blades might be faster, but that wasn’t the style I was going for.)


Made some advancements with the Domino game. Work has gotten me very busy so I had little time to code again. But I am back now thankfully

This is no AI, just testing placement of tiles and getting from stack


Wow, there is some impressive work going on this month and I am very pleased to see so many people using jME.
I did some game this month which I like to share. The download will be available at the end of the month.

Here is a preview:


I want to know more! Can you tell us what you used to make this? Is is designed for desktop? android? iOS? I’m all about 2D in JME3! Very cool!!

@t0neg0d , I am using a framework I wrote for my game development.
I call it Galago…

I am still in the process of making this library open to the public as a plugin lib for people to use.
This library just helps with the workflow of one’s game and recently I added a 2D framework dyn4j to it.
Galago contains a sprite engine which is very BASIC but works for me.
Here is some links of my previous games and tests made with it:
Ludum Dare 32
Pixel Pong game
MiniLudumDare 58

Regarding this game, it is planned for android and PC. Currently only PC.
I am also doing it as a Mini Ludum Dare 59 entry.


You are unstoppable. :stuck_out_tongue:

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Thanks to all contributors of this cool engine…
What can I say, I love game dev as a hobby.

Awesome! looking forward to taking a look at once you release it!