Menu Template

Simple template menu to speed up the process of game building. Mostly for newcomers who don’t want to spend a month on learning how to build a simple menu. Based on Lemur, but it’s not a Lemur showcase. I use only basic elements like Panels and Buttons with my own decorations. I was mostly interested in Lemur’s input handling. Works out of the box. Probably it is a good solution for testing and learning how things are handled rather than production.

Consists of 6 screens:

  1. Intro
  2. Pre menu loading
  3. Main menu
  4. Basic options
  5. Language selection
  6. Pre game loading

Main features:

  1. 6 menu screens.
  2. I18n (with bitmap fonts) into 10 languages including russian, korean, japanese and chinese.
  3. Menu music and sound effects.
  4. Saving and loading options.
  5. Gameplay pause overlay with blur effect.
  6. Support for keybord, mouse and gamepad (XBOX and PS4) out of the box.
  7. Support for different resolutions.
  8. Window icon decoration.
  9. Basic menu decoration.
  10. Intro ready - initially disabled.
  11. Loading screens with models and textures preloading.

Dayum. I’ve made one of those for myself back when I was preparing for my third ludum dare and can confirm that such menu templates are really, really useful. Nice work!