Mesh editor

So i can not use blender to make models and load them in Jmonkeyengine 3 SDK right?

is ther any other Mesh editor that i can use instead and load it into the jmonkeyengine

Of course you can use blender, I use it daily to get models into jme3 and the sdk.

@Sploreg said:
Of course you can use blender, I use it daily to get models into jme3 and the sdk.

ARe you sure? Becuase our lecturer said we have to find another mesh editor to make models and load them because the newer version of blender is different or something so i never really tried it. . Well is there any other alternatives that you may know of anyway?

If you can’t (although you can use blender), there’s also 3DS Max.

@memonick said:
If you can't (although you can use blender), there's also 3DS Max.

Thanks buddy. Appreciate it.

Well he/she is wrong :slight_smile: A quick search of the docs will show you how to import blender models. It’s as easy as right clicking on the .blend file in the sdk, and vaiola, there is your j3o mesh.

Blender is the ideal and easiest way to get custom meshes into jme. You can use Maya, 3ds max, and others, but you need to get them into blender format so the sdk can load them.

@Sploreg said:
Well he/she is wrong :) A quick search of the docs will show you how to import blender models. It's as easy as right clicking on the .blend file in the sdk, and vaiola, there is your j3o mesh.
Blender is the ideal and easiest way to get custom meshes into jme. You can use Maya, 3ds max, and others, but you need to get them into blender format so the sdk can load them.

Thanks for the info bro. Yes i will try it . and ask him why again

Blender did have a major overhaul between versions 2.49 and 2.5+, so he might be referring to that. But jme can still load the files.

Although with the very latest blender (2.63?) you will need the nightly SDK as the file format had a big internal change.

Ah right. I wish blender would change major version numbers when they do things like that.

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The latest jME3 stable supports BMesh which were added in 2.63. You should be able to load models from that version.