Meshes from JME2 to JME3

Hey @all,

i wanna use bezier curves in my program like they were available on jme2. Is it planned to port the curve-, beziercurve, … -classes to jme3? Or are there similar classes? I also needed to port the disk class from jme2 to jme3. Maybe someone wanna use it.

[java]public class Disk extends Mesh {

private float centralAngle;

private int shellSamples;

private int radialSamples;

private float radius;

private boolean createBuffers = true;

public Disk() {



public Disk(int shellSamples, int radialSamples, float radius) {

this(FastMath.TWO_PI, shellSamples, radialSamples, radius);



  • Creates a flat sector of a disk (circle) at the origin flat along the Z.
  • Usually, a higher sample number creates a better looking cylinder, but
  • at the cost of more vertex information.

  • @param name
  •        The name of the disk.<br />
  • @param shellSamples
  •        The number of shell samples.<br />
  • @param radialSamples
  •        The number of radial samples.<br />
  • @param radius
  •        The radius of the disk.<br />
  • @param centralAngle
  •        The central angle of the sector.<br />


public Disk(float centralAngle, int shellSamples, int radialSamples, float radius) {


updateGeometry(centralAngle, shellSamples, radialSamples, radius);


public float getCentralAngle() {

return centralAngle;


public int getRadialSamples() {

return radialSamples;


public float getRadius() {

return radius;


public int getShellSamples() {

return shellSamples;


public void updateGeometry(float centralAngle, int shellSamples, int radialSamples, float radius) {

this.centralAngle = FastMath.normalize(centralAngle, -FastMath.TWO_PI, FastMath.TWO_PI);

this.shellSamples = shellSamples;

this.radialSamples = radialSamples;

this.radius = radius;

int shellLess = shellSamples - 1;

int vertexCount = 1 + (radialSamples + 1) * shellLess;

int triangleCount = radialSamples * (2 * shellLess - 1);



FloatBuffer posBuffer = BufferUtils.createVector3Buffer(vertexCount);

FloatBuffer normBuffer = BufferUtils.createVector3Buffer(vertexCount);

IntBuffer indexBuffer = BufferUtils.createIntBuffer(3 * triangleCount);

FloatBuffer texBuffer = BufferUtils.createVector2Buffer(vertexCount);

// generate geometry

// center of disk


for (int x = 0; x < getVertexCount(); x++) {




float inverseShellLess = 1.0f / shellLess;

float inverseRadial = 1.0f / radialSamples;

Vector3f radialFraction = new Vector3f();

Vector2f texCoord = new Vector2f();

for (int radialCount = 0; radialCount <= radialSamples; radialCount++) {

float angle = centralAngle * inverseRadial * radialCount;

float cos = FastMath.cos(angle);

float sin = FastMath.sin(angle);

Vector3f radial = new Vector3f(cos, sin, 0);

for (int shellCount = 1; shellCount < shellSamples; shellCount++) {

float fraction = inverseShellLess * shellCount; // in (0,R]


int i = shellCount + shellLess * radialCount;

texCoord.x = 0.5f * (1.0f + radialFraction.x);

texCoord.y = 0.5f * (1.0f + radialFraction.y);

// BufferUtils.setInBuffer(texCoord, getTextureCoords().get(0).coords, i);

BufferUtils.setInBuffer(texCoord, texBuffer, i);


BufferUtils.setInBuffer(radialFraction, posBuffer, i);



// Generate connectivity

int index = 0;

for (int radialCount0 = 0, radialCount1 = 1; radialCount1 <= radialSamples; radialCount0 = radialCount1++) {

indexBuffer.put(0).put(1 + shellLess * radialCount0).put(1 + shellLess * radialCount1);

index += 3;

for (int iS = 1; iS < shellLess; iS++, index += 6) {

int i00 = iS + shellLess * radialCount0;

int i01 = iS + shellLess * radialCount1;

int i10 = i00 + 1;

int i11 = i01 + 1;






if (createBuffers) {

setBuffer(Type.Position, 3, posBuffer);

setBuffer(Type.Normal, 3, normBuffer);

setBuffer(Type.Index, 3, indexBuffer);

setBuffer(Type.TexCoord, 2, texBuffer);

createBuffers = false;

} else {












You have a catmull rom spline function in the FastMath class, I made a mesh from it in the MotionPath class if you want some examples…

Maybe we should make bezier too and allow to build a mesh easily from those splines.

You now have a Curve mesh in last SVN.

No Bezier support for now though, but it’s next step

You can use catmull rom splines though