Minie version 1.6

Minie version 1.6 has been released. Six pre-built class JARs have been uploaded to both JCenter and GitHub:

  • 1.6.0 (for JME 3.3.0-stable)
  • 1.6.0+debug (with debug-enabled native libraries)
  • 1.6.0+dp (with double-precision native libraries)
  • 1.6.0+debugdp (with debug-enabled, double-precision native libraries)
  • 1.6.0+for32 (for JME 3.2.4-stable)
  • 1.6.0+debugfor32 (with debug-enabled native libraries)

This release marks Minie’s end of support for JMonkeyEngine 3.2 . You can still develop using the 3.2 SDK for as long as you wish, but future releases will require the 3.3 Engine (libraries).

The main focus of Minie v1.6 is portability:

  • It adds support for 4 Android platforms (single-precision only) .
  • It solves an incompatibility with Centos 7 (and other Linux distros with old GCC libraries).
  • It solves a bug that caused certain soft-body methods to crash under Java 9+ on Windows systems.
  • It adds support for the 64-bit Linux-on-ARM platform (JMonkeyEngine 3.3 only).

The secondary focus of v1.6 is on DacWizard, the application for tuning ragdolls. DacWizard can now read and write ragdolls in J3O format. It can also visualize joint axes, configure the rotation order of a New6Dof joint, and much more.

By default, Minie’s class JARs include native libraries for all the platforms Minie supports. While this is convenient, it results in large class JARs and (potentially) a bloated application. If you build Minie from source, you can customize it to include native libraries only for specific platforms. Detailed instructions are in the README.

Additional changes for v1.6 are noted in its description and Minie’s release log.


Just updated to Minie 1.6.0+dp :slightly_smiling_face:
Thanks so much, @sgold :heart:

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If you notice any behavioral differences between single- and double-precision, I’d be interested to hear about them.

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Awesome work @sgold . I use minie myself - it’s a great relief knowing the physics side is in good hands :heart: